Tiamat's new shirt

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After finishing at the gym, Tiamat arrive at her hideout and walk inside where Kiryu and Coco were sitting in the livingroom with the redhead female showing them the shirt she was given by the gym member.

After finishing at the gym, Tiamat arrive at her hideout and walk inside where Kiryu and Coco were sitting in the livingroom with the redhead female showing them the shirt she was given by the gym member

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Kiryu: *tilts her head* Nikke? If I'm correct that means Victory.

Coco: *her tail wag around and shook her head* Honestly, it's fits you. *tilts her head* Where you get from?

Tiamat: *smirks while sitting next to her cousin* I got from the gym. They give it to me after no one want to spar with me.

Kiryu and Coco: *thoughts while shaking a look* I wonder why.

Tiamat: *lean back her head back against*look at the white and black hair female* You should come to the gym with me one day Kiryu.

The white and black hair female rise a brow at this but would nod towards her redhead friend with Coco's smelling different scent from her cousin with the blue hair female wondering who it was until remembering that the redhead mention that someone spar against her.

Kiryu: *had stood up, heading to the kitchen, stopping at the doorway with her looking back at the redhead dragon girl* You mention that you are spar someone. Who was it?

Tiamat: *look at her cousin with a knowing smirk* You don't know him but Coco does.

Coco: *rolls her eyes with an amuse smirk* Of course, it was him. I'm guessing that is his scent I picked up.

Tiamat: *twitched at this with a bit of sweat* Huh? I thought it got off when I took a shower.

Meanwhile, with Rouge
Rouge would be checking herself out in the mirror, looking at her butt.

Meanwhile, with RougeRouge would be checking herself out in the mirror, looking at her butt

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Rouge: *had a small pout that her butt was growing* I should stop doing squats with Hanabi. I don't really want to have an butt that big.

The demon girl let out a sigh with her peeking out of the bathroom at hearing Vermeil crying but the young hybrid would soon stop crying as her parents check up on her with her mother picking her in her arms.

Rouge: *thoughts while still checking herself out* Should I  bring Naleste over to meet Vermeil one day?

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