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"I am so sorry Miss.Lyde, please don't let it come to this." Donna pleads.

"Mrs. Ham, you do understand the danger my daughter was put in because of your employees lack of attention?? How could it not come to this?!"

She twiddles her thumbs and sighs, "I understand, we do hate to see her go and your loyalty as well. But I can assure you that the attendant has been taken care of and is not an issue."

"Even if she was fired, it does not make me comfortable to have my daughter here anymore. Thank you for your time." I turn on my heels and leave out the front door. There was no way that C was going back there. Yes, it was technically her own fault for running away but the fact that the attendant didn't even notice until 30 minutes after, ridiculous.

Dax and I decided to cancel our weekend trip we planned. I didn't want to leave C anytime soon. I wasn't ready.

After a short drive, I arrive at another daycare. Sunny Smiles. This is the top rated daycare in our area. When I first started to financially support C, I couldn't afford to bring her here. But now that I've gotten a raise and I work more, I can support her fully. I grab my purse and head inside. When I walk in, there's a huge lobby area with a long, brown check in desk. The kind where the counter is higher than the actually desk the receptionist used. There's a million windows and the walls are a sky blue.

"Hi I am thinking of enrolling my daughter here." I introduce to the receptionist. Shes an older lady, like Donna's age. Maybe last 50's? She has bright blonde hair and deep brown eyes.

"Okay I will have you fill out the questionnaire first, you can take a seat over there." She hands me a clipboard and points to a couch by the window.

Question 1 Childs name - Caroline Fiona Lyde
Question 2 Parent names - Sarah Lynn Lyde

After watching felt like a million more questions I turn the clipboard back to the receptionist.

"Okay perfect, we will review this information and you should get an email tomorrow about payment types. Once that goes through you can bring her at anytime and we will set up your account when you come!"

"Awesome thank you!" I head back to the car. the next thing on my to do list is to go shopping. I need to get a few groceries and a present for Dax. His big day is coming up soon! The draft is in less than a month, and we have a pretty good idea on a few places we might end up. We don't find out until draft day but we know he's going to be one of the first few picked. We are throwing the party at his mom's house since she has plenty of space.

Target, Ulta, Publix and The mall. For Dax's present, i am going to make him a NBA starter pack. It's going to be a basket with some essentials, things he wont buy himself. Some things I already have are his fav deo, socks and basic tees. Then I got a six pack of Dr.Pepper and a Rolex that he's been looking at for a while. And lastly a certificate for his next tattoo to be free at his tattoo parlor. I think I did pretty good.

While on my way t o the self checkout I get a call.

"Well hi."

"Hi D, what's up?"

"just ordering what you're up to."

"Well I am finishing up at target with groceries and about to head home."

"Good good, so you'd say you'd be home in likeeeee whatt 10 minutes?"

"No, I need to grab some gas too so more like 20?"

"Okay no rush, I love you byeeeeeee!"

"Love you too bye-" Dax hangs up. That was weird.

I get gas and drive home. I text Dax to come out and help me with groceries. I wait 5 minutes and he still hasn't come outside of texted back. I grab my purse and a few groceries and head inside. It's super dark and I can barely see where Im walking. I make my way to the kitchen island and flip on the light.

"SUPRISE!!!!!!!" A loud yell scares the rap out of me. A happy Birthday banner is hanging on the wall and a decorated 3 tier cake is placed on the dining table with a bunch of sweets and cupcakes around it. All of the guys,Lauren, Dax's mom, Caroline, and Dax jump out from all sorts of hiding places in the kitchen and open living room.

I satnd there star struck for like 10 seconds with my mouth open. Everyone starts to excitingly walk towards me.

"OMG guy!! How did yall know???" tears well up in my eyes.

"you'd rally thought you could hide something' as important as your birthday from us???We are the all knowing." Kevin places his hands in a praying position and bear hugs me.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart!" Dax's mom pulls e into her.

I swear i gave 105 hugs!!  But my favorite one was Dax.

"Did ou plan this?" I smile sweetly at him.

"You really thought you could hide it from me." He enrolls his eyes and laughs.

"Shut up." I pull him in for a light kiss. How could I not? he the sweetest and most thoughtful person in the world.

They all sing happy birthday to me as we cut the giant vanilla cake. After that it was a mix between guys in the living room playing the switch with C, me and Dax eating all the finger food in the kitchen and everyone else still munching on the delicious cake. Oh! And we did get the groceries in! Music was playing, the windows were open, I was with my favorite people. I couldn't ask for much more.

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