Waffles and Trouble

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I've been distancing my self from reality for a while. After Caroli's major breakdown, I told her she could take a few days off from school. I usually wouldn't do this but she seemed off. I wanted to give her a break. We spent most our time at the house, on the couch while watching Disney princess movies. It was nice to relax for once. I even skipped two of my chem classes. I also skipped one world history class. A break from school was what I needed.

Dax had messaged me multiple times asking when I could do another tutor lesson. But I never answered. When he left that day, I caught my self thinking about him a few times later. I needed to put space between us so I wouldn't start having some teenage crush on him. I can't have a boyfriend right now and I definitely can't have a fling or situation ship. He seemed flirty but that was probably how he was with most girls. I mean he is a basketball star, i'm sure he has flings with many girls.

I need to be there for Caroline. I can't have any distractions. I even thought about telling Dax that I wouldn't be able to tutor him anymore. I'm still thinking about it.

Lauren is coming to town soon, she lives in Boston. She's only a few hours away but she's always busy with modeling. Lauren has been my best friend since middle school. We used to be very alike but now we are opposite. My mom died during my senior year. I became very depressed and ended up pushing almost everyone away. Lauren caught onto this, but she stayed by my side. She's my twin flame. She brings the best out of me.

Caroline's birthday is in a few weeks and Lauren is going to come and surprise her. C loves Lauren. When I took on the role as Caroli's mother, Lauren would come and help me watch her, feed her, and take her places. Lauren and I were her mothers. They have a bond that is truly adorable to see. Caroline doesn't trust many. Lauren and I are the only ones she's nice to, besides Brent at the Cafe.

"Sissy?" Caroline suddenly turns to me

"Yes baby?" I turn to look at her

"Who was that boy that you were with when you came to get me?"

I wasn't shocked that she asked me this. She asked this same question the day that the meltdown happened. I had brushed off the question quickly because I didn't know how to explain it without her thinking he was my boyfriend.

"Well, he's a friend. I was helping him with homework when Auntie called me. He drove me to come get you. But he's not a boyfriend, so don't get excited." I told her harshly. I don't want her getting her hopes up.

"Sureee. He's definitely not a boyfriend." She rolls her eyes and laughs a little.

"You're such a silly goose." I squeeze her a little tighter with a smile planted on my face.

"Sissy, can you promise me something?"

"What is it C?"

"That you never leave me, like dad did." She stares at me with her glossy brown eyes.

I look at her and brush her hair behind her ear, "I pinky promise i'll never leave you. Never ever." I hug her tight and plant a kiss on her head.

We continue to watch tv and talk about the best kinds of dogs, which ends in her asking if we could get one. Of course the answer to that is no.

*Few hours later*

I just put Caroline down for a nap and now i'm sitting in the kitchen studying chemistry. Skipping class did come with the cost of missing lessons. Thankfully my professor is one of the few that posts her notes online, so I can catch up easily. I'm wearing my favorite comfy clothes. I study better when i'm comfortable.

After studying for a few hours, C comes downstairs looking sleepy as ever

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After studying for a few hours, C comes downstairs looking sleepy as ever.

"Did you sleep good princess?" I say as I sweep her into my arms and place her in a chair at the kitchen bar.

"Yes, but i'm hungry. I want a waffle." She says lazily. I go to the pantry to look for waffle mix but find that we don't have any. I search through the drawers, but nothing.

"How about we go to the store and grab some mix and fresh fruit? We could make some blueberry waffles?" I turn and ask C.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll go get dressed." She runs up the stairs before I can say anything.

She comes back down a few minutes later all dressed in a pink princess dress. I grab my navy blue stanly cup, my keys, purse, and a few snacks for C. We walk to the car and I buckle Caroline into her car seat and turn on some music. We are at Walmart in no time. We walk hand in hand into Walmart and grab a cart. I pick her up and place her into the seat of the cart and set off.

Caroli points at bright pink and red bird that's balloons, paper plates, piñatas, and candy.

"Sissy!! Look at all those decorations." She smiles

"I see them! Let's go look at them." I swing the cart around and head to the card aisle that also has the balloons and pink piñatas.

We look at all the colorful decorations and pictures and decide on which one is the best. When all of a sudden I hear someone say my name.

A low husky voice, "Sarah?"

I turn around, knowing exactly who it is. That voice is one I could never forget. Anger rises in me.

"Dad what are you doing here."

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