Christmas Morning

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"LETS GO LETS GO!!! COME ONNNN GET UP!!!" C screams while jumping on top of me and Sarah. I finally came home, I've been home for a few days and it's exactly what I've needed. I missed being with Sarah and C.

I quickly catch her as she throws herself at me. "Come onnnnn Daxyyyyy."

"Okay okay let's go." I laugh at her silly self.

"What time is it?" Sarah turns over slowly still with her eyes closed.

I place a kiss on her forehead, "Way too early."

She laughs softly and pulls herself up to look at me and C, "Well who's ready for presents???"

"MEEEEEEEEE!! ME ME ME ME!!" C wraps her arm around my neck and pulls me closer, "WE AREEEE!"

We all three get up and head downstairs. We decided to stay at my moms and do Christmas with her. Since Sarah didn't want to see any of her family, my brothers in town and most of the boys have gone home to see family. My mom was so excited when I told her that Caroline and Sarah were going to stay with her.

"Mama D!!! Merry Christmas!" C yells and rushes to mom, mom opens her arms to her and catches Caroline. 

"Merry Christmas beautiful!" She kisses Carolis face and hugs her tightly. "Are you excited for presents?!?"

"Is that even a question?" C gives her a sassy look with one raised eyebrow. They both laugh and mom lets C down.

We all head to the living room to open presents. Mom hands her gifts out first. My brother got new workout clothes, a knife set, and a watch. I got some ray band sunglasses, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and new beats. Sarah got a Dior necklace, a Chanel wallet, 2 Ralph Lauren Sweaters, and Coco Chanel perfume. Can you tell who she likes more? Caroline got 3 new barbie's, a barbie car, a unicorn onesie, and a bracelet making kit.

Then my brother gave me a apple watch band and new running shoes. He got Sarah and Caroline matching gems for their Pandora bracelets. And he got mom a new coffee maker.

I got my brother a new Macbook. I got my mom a new set of suitcases since she wants to travel more. I got C a new doll house and a barbie car for her to drive.

And finally what I got Sarah, I was so extremely nervous for her gift. Part 1 is a self care basket with all her products like she doesn't like to buy herself because they are "too expensive". Part 2 is a new phone because hers is so old and outdated. Part 3 is a set of emerald earrings and necklace. She has been looking at this one set for a while now. She saw it in a magazine. She loves emerald jewelry. Her rings are all emerald and she has tiny gold and emerald earrings, that need a replacement asap.

She loved her first two gifts. I was sweating bullets watching her pulling the wrapping paper off the small box. I mean you'd think I had a fever and was about to pass out. Sweat was building up on my arms. I swear Sarah is opening it slow on purpose.

"OH MY GOSH" Sarah yells and snaps be back to reality. She runs her hands over the jewelry. "Dax, these are too much!!! I saw how much these were in the magazine."

"The price doesn't matter, you deserve it. Here let me." I gently pull the necklace out the box and around her neck.

She turns back around with her hand on it, "thank you thank you thank you!!! She wraps her arms around my neck.

"Put the earrings on." She pulls the earrings she had in out and puts the new ones in. They look gorgeous in her. And usually I can't tell what jewelry is pretty and isn't. But Sarah taught me the differences.

"Thank you so much babe!" She plants a kiss on my cheek. "Okayyy" she smiles places a medium sized box on my lap. "Your turn" she gleams.

I give it a gently shake, "Well this is definitely not the PC I wanted." A flash of disappointment crosses her face. I place my hand on her knee, "I'm kidding love."

I pull the wrapping paper away and pull the first small box out. I pull out a beard care kit. I bust out laughing.

Sarah giggles, "whatttt you said you wanted to grow a beard!!"

"This is perfect, thank you babe." I kiss her on the forehead, still laughing to myself.

I go to pull out the next box. I open the jewelry box. It's a silver chain bracelet with a singular silver bead thing on it. A little confused cause the bead looks a little out of place.

"Oh babe I love it thank you."

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Hold the bead up to the light and look in it." 

I hesitantly hold it up and look inside. My stomach drops. It's a picture of me and my dad after my first ever basketball game. When I was just 8 years old. Tears well up. I don't even wanna look away. My dad's smile is so big.

"I hope you like it, I remember you told me you loved that picture. And through the draft and wherever you end up, you can always remember where you started." This is the sweetest and most thoughtful thing anyone has done for me. I don't know what to even say. This girl.

I turn to her, "I love it Sarah, I love you, thank you. This is the best present. You don't even know what this means to me." I give her the bracelet and move my wrist to her, "Put it on please." She clips it. It's perfect. I'll always have him with me. My best friend.

I pull Sarah into me. "Thank you love, thank you so much." I hold back the tears as best as I can.

My brother croaks, clearly tearing up, "I'm gonna go get some eggnog before I start bawling my eyes out."

My mom moves C, who's enjoying her toys and not paying attention to us. "Come on sweet girls, let's go make some hot chocolate and make breakfast."

Christmas couldn't get any better.

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