☆ 35 : mine

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The days that followed the encounter with Sunoo were a whirlwind of nervous anticipation for Yeonjun, but a quieter storm of apprehension for Beomgyu. He stole glances at Yeonjun, the usual sparkle in his eyes dimmed by a flicker of sadness. Their stolen moments together, the secret language of their touches, seemed tinged with a new uncertainty.

While Yeonjun found a measure of relief in confronting his past with Sunoo, Beomgyu shouldered the burden of their uncertain future. The possibility of their truth being exposed, not just to the world, but to Sunoo, a potential rival for Yeonjun's affections, gnawed at him. He masked his worry with a facade of support, but the weight on his heart grew heavier with each passing day.

One evening, after a particularly grueling practice session, Beomgyu found himself alone in their dorm room. He wandered towards their shared balcony, the cool night air a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. Leaning against the railing, he gazed at the twinkling cityscape, a million questions swirling in his mind.

Was their love story just a melody waiting to be played out on a stage too big for them? Would Sunoo's understanding rewrite the lyrics, leaving Beomgyu as a forgotten verse? The thought sent a pang of fear through him.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him. Yeonjun joined him on the balcony, his hand reaching out to find Beomgyu's. Beomgyu turned, a question forming on his lips, but Yeonjun silenced him with a gentle squeeze.

"We'll face it together," Yeonjun said, his voice filled with a quiet strength. "No matter what happens with Sunoo, or with the world, you and I, our bond is the song that truly matters."

Beomgyu leaned into Yeonjun's touch, the familiar warmth a balm to his anxieties. He knew Yeonjun was right. Their connection was the foundation on which their melody was built. Yet, a sliver of doubt remained.

"But what if the song changes?" Beomgyu whispered, his voice barely audible.

Yeonjun cupped Beomgyu's face, his thumb gently wiping away a stray tear that had escaped. "Our song might evolve," he said, his gaze filled with love, "but the core melody, our love, that will always remain the same."

Beomgyu searched Yeonjun's eyes, finding the reassurance he craved. In that moment, under the vast night sky, they stood together, a united front against the uncertainties that loomed. The melody of their love, though facing a potential remix, would continue to play, a testament to the enduring power of their bond.


The days that followed the encounter with Sunoo were a tightrope walk for Beomgyu. A tight smile stretched across his face whenever he was around Yeonjun, but a cold knot of jealousy twisted in his gut. Yeonjun seemed lighter, a weight lifted from his shoulders after confronting his past with Sunoo. But for Beomgyu, the past morphed into a potential threat.

He'd seen the way Sunoo looked at Yeonjun – a mix of regret and something more, something that sent a jolt of possessiveness through Beomgyu. The lyrics of "Can You Hear Me?" might have resonated with Sunoo, but Beomgyu wasn't blind. He saw the longing in Sunoo's eyes, a silent plea for a connection Beomgyu knew Yeonjun, with his kind heart, might be susceptible to.

The constant media frenzy surrounding the "TXT_ENHYPEN_Mystery" didn't help. Every interaction, every stolen glance between the two groups, was dissected by fans, fueling speculation. Beomgyu felt like he was living in a reality show, their love story a twisted plot point for viewers' entertainment.

One evening, after a particularly draining photoshoot, Beomgyu retreated to their dorm room, exhaustion warring with the turmoil within him. He flopped onto the couch, the silence deafening. Moments later, the door creaked open and Yeonjun entered, his face etched with concern.

"Beomgyu? Everything alright?" Yeonjun asked, his voice laced with worry.

Beomgyu forced a smile, but it felt hollow. "Yeah, just tired."

Yeonjun didn't buy it. He sat beside Beomgyu, his presence a source of both comfort and unease. Beomgyu wanted to blurt out his insecurities, to confess the gnawing jealousy that threatened to consume him. But the words wouldn't come.

"Is it...Sunoo?" Yeonjun finally asked, his voice gentle.

Beomgyu flinched. The name hung heavy in the air, a silent accusation. He opened his mouth to deny it, but the truth spilled out in a torrent of whispered words.

"He's looking at you, Yeonjun," Beomgyu admitted, his voice thick with emotion. 

"And it scares me. What if...what if he wants what we have? I can't give you to anyone... "

Yeonjun's eyes softened with understanding. He pulled Beomgyu into a tight embrace, the warmth of Yeonjun's body offering a temporary sanctuary.

"Beomgyu," Yeonjun murmured, his voice a soothing balm. 

"Sunoo and I have a past, but it's that – the past. I know, me and Sunoo are exes. But that doesn't define anything. We talked, and there are no lingering feelings. You, you're my present, my future. Our song is the one that plays on repeat in my heart. I love you alot. "

Beomgyu pouted and hid his face.

Beomgyu clung to Yeonjun, seeking solace in his words, his touch. He knew Yeonjun was honest, but the echo of Sunoo's longing lingered in his mind. The melody of their love, once a harmonious duet, now had a discordant note – the fear of losing Yeonjun to a past that refused to stay buried.

" I love you too. " As Beomgyu lips touched against Yeonjun.

As they sat in silence, a new resolve bloomed within Beomgyu. He wouldn't let Sunoo, or the world's scrutiny, rewrite their song. He would fight for Yeonjun, for their love, and together they would face the music, no matter the remix the future held.

" You're always mine and mine. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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