☆ 5 : dance studio

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Beomgyu was enjoying Yeonjun accompany these days. Yeonjun treats Beomgyu with ice cream everyday and play arcade with him. BG has become a member in YJ's rock band, named TXT (Tomorrow x Together). His skills are improving each time. Taehyun has a golden voice, so as Kai. They teached him how to control his pitch and tone. For the guitar, Soobin tutored him about notes and covered several songs for him. Beomgyu's favorite song is "Forest", he liked his deep and clear voice, expressing through his notes. 

They're developing their first song, CROWN, the choreography was quite hard and difficult. Beomgyu has trouble controlling his hip and leg movements. He decided to come to Yeonjun's personal studio everyday after school for help. 


Yeonjun was dancing vividly to the song, moving enthusiastically along with his legs. He swiftly jumped and twirled around like a professional. Beomgyu stared at him for a while, doesn't know how long has he been staring at Yeonjun like that. 

" Hey there. How long have you been drooling over my amazing dance skills? ~ " Yeonjun joked, waking Beomgyu out of reality. 

" H-huh? No! I'm not staring at you... I swear, hahaha... " Beomgyu nervously said.

" Really?? Pfft... Your face look so hilarious and you seems so focused. " Yeonjun laughed.  

Beomgyu pouted. 

" Jokes aside. Anyways, why are you here in my studio? Need something? " 

" ... Umm " 

" Don't be shy, just say it! " 

" Erm... I had some problems with my hip movements on the choreo. So I thought coming here would help. Hehe.... Never thought I would be mesmerized with your dance moves. " 

" You're being really honest. Okay, let's first watch me dance again and you will follow my steps. Okay? " Yeonjun winked.

" Mkay. " BG muttered.


Yeonjun instructed Beomgyu on hand pose, hip movements and how to control his feet. He also help Beomgyu by holding on him and adjust the pose. This made Beomgyu fluttered but he keep practicing. One important thing that Yeonjun teached him is about charisma and face emotions management, it help their audience focuses more and more interested in their performance. Beomgyu was surprised. 

" How could he know these so well? I thought I should've known better. "  


TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Where stories live. Discover now