☆ 7 : trauma + passion + feels

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Yeonjun went on silence for a while. Beomgyu wondered why.

" It was actually quite a long story but do you want to know why? " He said, his voice deepen

" Oh... you seems down. Are you okay? " Beomgyu asked.

" I'm fine. I've been into dancing when I was young. One time, I was watching a dancing show on TV. I don't know, my eyes just stick into the dancers and the singer too. Their notes was full of emotions and I was just obsessed with their voice. Also, at that time, I wondered how can they actually dance like that, it's just like magic. My mind kept focusing on on their dance moves and how do they express it like that, you know... I feel like I'm attached to dancing. So I thought I would give it a try. My mom supported me but... but my dad doesn't. He had always hated dancing and music, I honestly don't know why. " Yeonjun explained

Beomgyu could see tears slightly coming out off Yeonjun's eyes. He couldn't do anything but just sit beside him and listen.


Warning :

-> Trauma

-> Abusing

-> Cursing


He was just a child. He used to live in a happy family, full of love but one day, Yeonjun's dad cheated with another woman. At that time, Yeonjun doesn't know anything but his mom was devasted. One day, his dad came home with the woman and abuse YJ's mom everyday. His dad went back home drunk every night. Each day, his mom would suffered from scars and blood, but she kept silent to YJ. Yeonjun thought she just got some injury, because he's still a 5 years old child.

Everything all happened, when Yeonjun woke up and went out to find his mom. He didn't see his mom anywhere so he walked around to find her, only to hear some weird noises. He went closer to his mom's room to see his dad and his lover making out on the bed. Yeonjun was leave there shocked, he couldn't believe what is happening. He stood there silently, watched everything. His mind went numb and blank. Everything was going on too fast, he fell down on the floor. His heart broke into million of pieces. He can't accept the fact that everything is real and walked in the room.

" D-daddy...? "

" What are you DOING HERE? GET OUR OF MY ROOM. " His dad angrily shouted.

" No... But who is that woman over there? Where's mommy? ... This is not her, I WANT MOMMY BACK ! " He slowly sobbed and shouted at his dad painfully.

Then, his dad charged towards him and give a hard slap on his face. After that, he used his belt and hit YJ on his skin several times, leading to severe blooding and bruises. Yeonjun cried and scream loudly.

" NO! NO.... DAD! I'm hurt! Don't hit me please...!"

" You piece of shit. You've ruined EVERYTHING in my life. I despise you, WHAT KIND OF SON YOU ARE? Obsessing over with music, which is bullshit and useless. YOU DESERVED IT. " His dad shouted loudly as he began to hit Yeonjun more and more. He groaned in pain desperately. In that moment, he passed out.
Later, he woke up in a hospital. Beside him was him Mom, looking at him in a dearing way. The moment he saw his mom, sitting next and take care of him, he teared up. He hugged his mom tight and cried uncontrollably.

" Mom... I thought you're gone for good.

" My baby, how could I ever leave you? You're my whole world! "

" W-what about dad? "

" You don't have to worry about that monster anymore. We're safe now. "

Both of them finally smiled and felt relieved. Time after time, his scars began to healed and he's in a better condition.
After that, Yeonjun confronted to his mom about his passion to dancing and she was happily to help. She worked everyday to help his son develops his dream and get him into a good dancing school. Yeonjun started to practicing hard to let out all of his old trauma and emotions. Dancing helps him to forget everything and just enjoy in his own world, by himself.
When he started entering teens age, his mom also enroll him to an art school, which is Hanlim high school.
Beomgyu stayed silent, listen throughout to Yeonjun's story and felt really sorry for him. Then he softly hugged and comfort Yeonjun.

" I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. It must have been hard for you. I'm very sorry... " Beomgyu said

" It's fine, I just felt emotional today though. Everything atbt dancing reminds me of my mom. "

Yeonjun sniffled.

Beomgyu never expected this side of him, he keeps silently comforted him and tell him it's okay. Yeonjun looked at him affectionately:

" Because of you, I finally confess all out and I felt so much better. Thank you for listening to me today. You know, dance is something that is already a part of me, so I can't let it go. Dancing is my passion. " Yeonjun finally let out a big smile.

badum... badum...badum

" What was that? Is it my heartbeat again? It always happened when Yeonjun looked at me. " Beomgyu dazed for a while.

" Anyways, it's late now. We should probably go home, it's almost 6pm. "

" Okay! "

When both of them are ready to go home, Yeonjun walked away, Beomgyu stood there and kept looking at him. He looked back and said:

" Beomgyu, remember to come to my studio to practice when you're free! " Yeonjun happily said

" I know. I-I will always come to your studio everyday! " Beomgyu stuttered again

Yeonjun waved at him and walked home first. Beomgyu was left behind again, he felt warm in his heart.


" Maybe... I've fallen for you already, Yeonjun-hyung ... " BG.

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