☆ 32 : relationship?

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Things are going on very well, 5 boys already debuted as their name before: Tomorrow by Together. They're doing great with their new debut: CROWN. As the song is about the boy who has horns on his head and starts to withdraw himself from someone else. 

As Beomgyu thought, the song quite resembled Yeonjun in some ways. His past and all the things he had to go through. He doesn't know, Yeonjun often got emotional when that song played. 

Still ...

There is one thing, that is still hidden from BigHit. 

Which is Yeonjun and Beomgyu's secret relationship.

"CROWN" had become popular among the fans. The infectious melody and relatable lyrics propelled TXT, formerly known as "The Renegades," to overnight success. Beomgyu, ever the social butterfly, thrived in the limelight. His raps resonated with fans, his charisma captivating audiences worldwide. But amidst the whirlwind of promotions and sold-out shows, a shadow lurked in Yeonjun's eyes.

The song, a product of their collective experiences, resonated with Yeonjun on a deeper level than anyone knew. The boy with the metaphorical horns, ostracized and misunderstood, mirrored his own past struggles. Seeing their story reflected back at him from stages and screens triggered a bittersweet cocktail of emotions. Pride in their creation warred with a vulnerability he kept hidden beneath a stoic facade.

Beomgyu, ever perceptive, noticed the shift in Yeonjun. He'd catch him staring wistfully at their reflection in hotel room mirrors, a flicker of sadness crossing his features during "CROWN" performances. One evening, after a particularly taxing awards show, Beomgyu found Yeonjun on the rooftop of their dorm, gazing at the star-dusted Seoul skyline.

"Hey," Beomgyu said softly, approaching his boyfriend. The weight of their unspoken secret hung heavy in the air. Yeonjun turned, a melancholic smile gracing his lips.

"Thinking about the horns?" Beomgyu asked, leaning against the railing.

Yeonjun chuckled, a hollow sound. "Sometimes. It's strange seeing our experiences reflected back at us like this."

"Strange, but powerful," Beomgyu countered. "People connect with it because it's real."

Silence descended again, broken only by the hum of the city below. Beomgyu shuffled closer, offering a comforting presence. "You know," he began, his voice gentle, 

"you don't have to carry the weight of the song alone."

Yeonjun looked at him, his gaze filled with unspoken emotions. "I know," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. 

"It's just..."

He trailed off, unable to articulate the fear that gnawed at him. What if the fans, the public, discovered their secret? Would it shatter the image they'd so carefully cultivated? Would their love become a liability, a blemish on their carefully crafted personas?

Beomgyu sensed his unspoken anxieties. He reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind Yeonjun's ear. 

"We faced challenges before, remember? We fought to be ourselves, together."

Yeonjun leaned into his touch, finding solace in the familiar warmth. 

"But this..." he said, his voice barely a whisper, "this is different. This is the whole world watching."

Beomgyu cupped Yeonjun's face, his thumb gently brushing away a stray tear that had escaped down his cheek. 

"Then let them see us," he said, his voice filled with quiet determination. 

TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Where stories live. Discover now