☆ 9 : morning

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Beomgyu's eyes were a bit dark, because he thought about yesterday too much. He went online and found Yeonjun's social media and secretly followed his content, endlessly watching Yeonjun's TikTok videos. Thinking to himself: "How could he dance so beautifully? I want that too. Aish... Damn. Am I staying up all night like that?" It's already 7:15, and Beomgyu is still there eyes closed, eyes open, thinking about yesterday. He heard Yeonjun calling him to come down so he panicked and did everything as quickly as possible and rushed downstairs.

Today is a beautiful day, Yeonjun is still standing below Beomgyu's house. When Beomgyu stepped down, he immediately beckoned and waved to BG:

"You come down here! You're quite late today, Bamgyu!"

Beomgyu walked down slowly with a messy head.

"Wait a minute, okay okay. I'll be right down! You keep rushing me!!!" Beomgyu quickly ran down and teased Yeonjun-hyung.

At that time, Yeonjun suddenly asked:

"Uh, why is your hair so messy today? Couldn't sleep yesterday? "

Beomgyu was startled and scratched his head frantically, saying:

" Well... I was thinking too much yesterday! Before going to bed, I looked back at the video of the two of us practicing for about 2-3 hours to memorize it. I also saw that my dancing was a bit weak. I was unfocused too. Hehe... " BG said.

Yeonjun chuckled:

"Just yesterday in the first session in my studio, but you're working hard, right? Like a little bear."

Hearing that, Beomgyu suddenly felt embarrassed, his face turned red and he secretly turned away.

" I-is that so? You're exaggerating. You always set up such "weird" nicknames. First bookworm, Bamgyu, then little bear." Yeonjun smiled slightly, patted Beomgyu on the shoulder and asked him to go to school.

" Because it suits you. Let's go to school, little bear." Beomgyu grabbed Yeonjun's arm hard and pulled him along. He ran so fast that Yeonjun had to scream to stop. They both laughed and enjoying this school path.


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