☆ 21 : move on

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Guilt, a persistent shadow, began to bothers Jaehyun's every step. Though his focus on his new school and music initially provided a shield, the accusations in Beomgyu's online rant gnawed at him. He hadn't intended to hurt Beomgyu, and the realization that his actions had caused unintended pain twisted in his gut.

One restless night, after a particularly cathartic guitar session, Jaehyun made a decision. He owed it to Beomgyu, at least, to try to mend the bridge he'd unintentionally burned. He drafted a text, pouring out his regret and clarifying his intentions behind the song. There was no hidden message for Beomgyu, no attempt to stir the pot. He simply wanted to apologize for the pain he'd caused. 

" Hey Beomgyu, " the text began, his fingers hovering over the screen for a beat too long. 

" It's Jaehyun. Listen, I wanted to apologize about the song. It wasn't meant to be a dig at you, or anything like that. The lyrics just kind of poured out, and I guess I didn't think about how it might make you feel."

Hitting send felt like a weight lifting off his shoulders. He knew a simple text wouldn't erase the hurt, but it was a start, a bridge towards some semblance of peace.

Beomgyu was just lying around on the bed with Yeonjun. 

Beomgyu saw the text but he quickly threw the phone away, with some frustration. Later on he talked to Yeonjun. 

" Yeonjun ... Jaehyun apologised to me but I don't feel really good. Does some part of you still like Jaehyun? " Beomgyu scoffed softly. 

Yeonjun chuckled and reassured Beomgyu with a warm hug, as he slightly stroked Beomgyu's hair, he answered: 

" Don't worry, maybe he's still can't move on from his feelings. I just want to let you know that I really like you and nothing can changed that. About Jaehyun's text, you can just text him a short message. " 

Beomgyu think about it and hugged Yeonjun back . (AWWWW FLUFF dying rn)

A few days later, a reply from Beomgyu arrived. It was short, devoid of the previous anger, simply acknowledging Jaehyun's apology. "Thanks," the message read. Then he blocked Jaehyun. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

The next step, the much more daunting one, was Yeonjun. Apologizing to him felt like admitting defeat, acknowledging the chasm that had formed between them. Yet, the thought of leaving things unresolved, of their friendship hanging by a thread of unspoken emotions, gnawed at him even more.

He wrestled with himself for days, crafting and discarding potential texts before finally settling on a simple, heartfelt message. He apologized for the song's unintended consequences, for stirring up the hornet's nest of their high school memories. He wished him and Beomgyu all the best, genuinely hoping they found happiness together.

"Hey Yeonjun," Jaehyun typed slowly, deleting and rewriting before finally hitting send. "Just wanted to say sorry about the song. Didn't mean to cause any trouble. Hope things are going well with you and Beomgyu."

The wait for a response stretched into an agonizing silence. Finally, when it came, it was a single word: "Thanks." It was a far cry from the warmth they once shared, but it offered a sliver of closure.

One afternoon, a few months later, while grabbing lunch between classes, Jaehyun's phone buzzed with an unexpected notification. It was a message from Yeonjun. "Hey Jaehyun," it read. "Long time no talk. You coming to the show this weekend?"

Jaehyun stared at the screen, a flicker of surprise followed by a hesitant smile. "The show?" he typed back.

"Yeah, our band's playing at The Underground on Saturday night. Be cool to see you there if you're free."

Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat but he knew he has to move on. Their band. The one they'd poured their teenage dreams into. He hadn't realized Yeonjun and Beomgyu were still playing together. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over him – curiosity, a tinge of nostalgia, and a flicker of something he couldn't quite place.

" Yeah, I might be able to make it," he replied, a hint of uncertainty lingering in his voice.

" Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you then," Yeonjun's message read, followed by a friendly emoji.

Jaehyun stared at his phone, a mix of apprehension and anticipation bubbling in his chest. Maybe, he thought, closure wasn't a single definitive moment. Maybe it was a series of conversations, a gradual acceptance of the past and the paths they'd all taken. The Underground on Saturday night suddenly seemed like a good place to start. He thought to himself that he should move on and accept Yeonjun's relationship. 

TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Where stories live. Discover now