☆ 17 : i must confess.

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(From last night)

Beomgyu's POV:

Beomgyu thought about what Soobin said yesterday.  

" You can't just what if forever. " Soobin's voice echoed in his head.

Beomgyu keep rolling around his cushion, thinking about his decisions and Yeonjun. 

" Should I confess about my feelings to him ... No, he wouldn't see me in that way. "

" What if he- oh my god stop. Why am I overthinking so much? What has jealousy done to me... "

Then, he opens his phone and swipe through social medias, looking at his photos with Yeonjun. 

" Will you ever find love? I hope so. " He mumbled and quickly felt asleep. 

... (CONTINUATION FROM CHAP 16 : confusion )

The silence stretched between Beomgyu and Yeonjun, thick with unspoken emotions. Yeonjun blinked, processing Beomgyu's confession. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a thoughtful frown.

Yeonjun looked at him, Beomgyu quickly looked away. 

" You can tell me anything, Beomgyu. I'm your friend, I'll always be there for you. Now tell me what's bothering you these days. You seems really down and tense." He worriedly said.

The word "friend" made Beomgyu ached a little bit, his face darkened.

Beomgyu scuffed his sneakers against the polished studio floor. 

" Yeah, I know. It's probably weird, coming out of nowhere like this."

" Not weird," Yeonjun interjected softly. "Just surprising. We've been friends for so long..." He trailed off, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.

Beomgyu took a deep breath, his courage solidifying with each word. 

" That's exactly it. You're my best friend, Yeonjun. But lately, those feelings have grown into something more. Seeing you with Jaehyun... it just made me realize how much you mean to me, and not just as a friend. I felt jealous, e I don't know, but lately I felt really ... comfortable with you. Let's just say, I've always liked you since the first time you encountered me. "

" Beomgyu," Yeonjun began cautiously, "this is... unexpected. I had no idea you felt that way."

He confessed his jumbled emotions, the fear of rejection warring with the desperate need to be honest. He spoke about the way Yeonjun always made him laugh, the way their friendship felt effortless, the comfort he found in Yeonjun's presence. As he spoke, a flicker of understanding lit up Yeonjun's eyes.

"Beomgyu," Yeonjun said when Beomgyu finished, his voice gentle, "to be honest, I never thought about us that way either. But listening to you now..." He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The truth is, I've always felt a connection with you too, something deeper than just friendship."

A spark of hope ignited in Beomgyu's chest. Could it be...?

"But," Yeonjun continued, his voice laced with a hint of regret, "things with Jaehyun are... complicated. We haven't defined anything yet, but there's definitely something there."

Beomgyu's heart sank a little. He'd confessed his feelings, only to find himself caught in a love triangle. The familiar pang of jealousy bubbled up, but he forced it down.

"Right," he managed, forcing a smile. "I guess things are never as simple as they seem, huh?"

Yeonjun reached out and placed a hand on Beomgyu's shoulder, a gesture of comfort and reassurance. 

TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Where stories live. Discover now