☆ 15 : jealousy

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The weeks melted into a comfortable routine. Yeonjun and Jaehyun continued their casual hangouts, the initial awkwardness fading into easy companionship. One afternoon, they found themselves browsing a record store. Yeonjun, fingers trailing across the vinyl spines, stopped at a dusty record – a classic rock album from his teenage years. A wave of nostalgia washed over him, a bittersweet memory of shared headphones and whispered lyrics with Sunoo.

"Woah, this brings back memories," Yeonjun sighed, picking up the album.

Jaehyun peered over his shoulder, his brow furrowed. 

 " Looks familiar. Isn't this the band your ex liked? "

Yeonjun flinched, the memory of Sunoo's betrayal sharp. 

 " Yeah," he mumbled, avoiding Jaehyun's gaze. "We used to listen to it all the time."

Jaehyun's hand gently touched Yeonjun's arm. "Hey," he said softly, "it's okay to have good memories with someone, even if things didn't work out."

Yeonjun looked at him, surprised by the warmth in Jaehyun's eyes. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He hesitated, then continued, "The truth is, after what happened, I'm scared to trust anyone again." 

" But hey, no physical touches? I'm not comfortable. " Yeonjun said. 

Jaehyun stunned and immediately let go.

Jaehyun didn't try to minimize Yeonjun's feelings. 

" That's completely understandable," he said.

 " But sometimes, taking a chance can lead to something amazing." He held Yeonjun's gaze for a moment, a silent question hanging in the air.

Suddenly, the record store door chimed, and Beomgyu burst in, a frantic look on his face.

 "There you are!" he exclaimed, spotting them.

 "I need your help – Soobin's trying to convince everyone that pineapple belongs on pizza, and it's getting out of hand!"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. 

 "Looks like drama follows me everywhere, pfft . . . what a cutie bear. "

" Hey," Jaehyun teased

" Maybe that's just your charm."

Beomgyu looked at Jaeyun. 

" H-hi! I'm Jaehyun. "

Beomgyu glared at Jaehyun, showing quite frustration from his eyes. He just coldy said "hi" back and ran to Yeonjun. 

" Oww! Beomgyu !! You're always as silly as ever. Get off me oh my god ... ! " 

Beomgyu grinned and keep hugging Yeonjun more. Jaehyun was surprised by their closeness. 

As they joined Beomgyu, the weight of the conversation lifted. Maybe Jaehyun was right. Taking a chance, even if it meant risking another heartbreak, could be worth it. The thought sent a thrill through Yeonjun, a flicker of hope he hadn't felt in a long time.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu watched the interaction between Yeonjun and Jaehyun with a growing unease. The playful banter, the lingering touch – it all felt different. A possessiveness he hadn't acknowledged before tightened in his chest. He shoved it down, forcing a smile. He was happy for Yeonjun, he reminded himself. But a tiny voice whispered a different story, a story Beomgyu wasn't quite ready to face.

Back at Beomgyu's apartment, the pizza debate raged on. Soobin, the pineapple advocate, brandished a slice with a triumphant grin. Yeonjun, firmly in the anti-pineapple camp, launched into a passionate (and slightly ridiculous) argument about the sanctity of pizza toppings. Jaehyun watched them bicker, amusement dancing in his eyes.

As the night wore on, the conversation turned more personal. Soobin, ever the gossip, revealed he'd seen Beomgyu moping around earlier. Beomgyu quickly denied it, but his blush betrayed him.

"Come on, Beomgyu," Yeonjun said gently, "you can tell us what's wrong."

Beomgyu hesitated, then blurted out:

" It's just... I miss hanging out with you all the time. Since you've been seeing this Jaehyun guy..."

" Really? You don't have to worry much, I'm just taking some time to know more about him. "

Beomgyu's voice trailed off, a mixture of frustration and something deeper in his eyes.

The revelation hung heavy in the air. Yeonjun stared at Beomgyu, surprised. Jaehyun's smile faltered slightly. For the first time, Yeonjun considered the possibility that Beomgyu's feelings might go beyond friendship.

The night ended with an unspoken tension, a seed of doubt planted in Yeonjun's mind. He enjoyed Jaehyun's company, their connection undeniable. But Beomgyu's words echoed in his head. Was this just a case of missing his best friend, or was there something more? As Yeonjun lay awake that night, the simple joy of newfound connection was replaced with a tangle of confusing emotions. The path to love, he realized, was never straightforward.


The revelation hung heavy in the air, thick enough to choke on. Yeonjun exchanged a surprised look with Jaehyun, who subtly shifted his weight away from Beomgyu. Beomgyu, cheeks flushed a fiery red, mumbled something about needing some fresh air and practically bolted out the window (thankfully, it was on the ground floor).

Silence descended upon the remaining three, broken only by the distant sounds of Beomgyu kicking a stray pebble down the street. Soobin, ever the perceptive one, raised an eyebrow at Yeonjun. 

" So, what's going on there? "

Yeonjun, his mind a whirlwind of confusion, stammered:

" I, uh... I don't know. Beomgyu just misses hanging out, I guess." 

Soobin wasn't convinced. "

Maybe," he said, a knowing glint in his eyes, "but there might be more to it."

" You should actually thought about Beomgyu's feelings, yeah? He's always been sticking to you like a little kid like- How much you teased him, he's always been as playful as ever. "

Yeonjun think about it for a while.

Yeonjun felt a pang of guilt stab at him. Beomgyu had always been his rock, his confidante. Spending so much time with Jaehyun, no matter how innocent, had obviously created a distance he hadn't noticed.

The next few days were awkward. Beomgyu barely spoke to Yeonjun, his usual playful jabs replaced by a cold silence. Yeonjun tried initiating conversations, but Beomgyu would respond with curt replies or simply disappear into his room. The group hangouts, once filled with laughter, were strained, punctuated by long, uncomfortable pauses.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun's interactions with Jaehyun continued, a welcome escape from the tension at home. They went on a spontaneous hike, Jaehyun's easygoing nature putting Yeonjun at ease. As they reached the peak, a breathtaking view of the city stretched before them. Jaehyun pointed out landmarks, his voice warm and close to Yeonjun's ear. A shiver ran down Yeonjun's spine, a mix of excitement and something he couldn't quite define.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It was a picture from Beomgyu. The picture showed Beomgyu sitting alone at their usual pizza place, a single slice of pineapple pizza mockingly displayed in front of him. The caption read: "Enjoying my 'superior' pizza all by myself. #foreveralone."

A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Yeonjun. He felt a surge of possessiveness towards Beomgyu, a need to comfort him and assure him he wasn't alone. Yet, the memory of Jaehyun's warmth lingered, a tempting promise of something new.

" Is Beomgyu hiding something from me? " 

Torn, Yeonjun pocketed his phone, the weight of his indecision settling heavily on him. He knew he couldn't ignore Beomgyu any longer. He had to clear the air, figure out what Beomgyu's silence meant. But a part of him also craved the connection he felt with Jaehyun.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, Yeonjun realized he was at a crossroads. His journey towards healing had led him to two paths, each with its own allure. He had a choice to make – choose the familiar comfort of his best friend or venture down the uncharted territory of a potential new love.

TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin