☆ 30 : bighit

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Graduation loomed large, casting a bittersweet shadow over their final semester. The friends, each having grown and evolved over the past few years, found themselves at a crossroads. Their shared dream of creating music together, once a distant aspiration, now felt like a tangible possibility.

One evening, fueled by a pot of strong coffee and late-night brainstorming, the conversation turned to their futures. "Guys," Soobin began, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness, "remember all those crazy dreams we had about debuting together?"

Beomgyu grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. "How could we forget? Remember Kai's ridiculous dance routines he promised to teach us?"

Taehyun chuckled. "Speaking of Kai, anyone heard from him lately? He's probably conquering the underground rap scene somewhere."

Their laughter faded, replaced by a more serious contemplation. Yeonjun, his gaze fixed on the cityscape outside their dorm window, spoke up. 

"Seriously though, Big Hit. That's the dream, right? To debut together, create music that moves people, like the artists we admire."

A beat of silence followed, each friend lost in their own thoughts. The prospect of joining Big Hit, a company known for launching global superstars, was both exhilarating and daunting. They knew the intense competition, the grueling training schedules, and the uncertainty of success.

Soobin, ever the planner, chimed in, "We could all submit applications. Maybe put together a demo, showcase our strengths as a group."

Beomgyu nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, a song that combines our styles! Yeonjun's artistic vision in the music video, Soobin's storytelling through lyrics, Taehyun's soulful melodies, and my... well, my amazing BeAutY, of course!"

Yeonjun spank Beomgyu's hard. 

" Stop being silly here! It's a long time since we've practice. Now let's get on track again by tomorrow. "

Their dorm room buzzed with renewed energy as they brainstormed ideas, their creative juices flowing freely. They spent the next few weeks crafting a demo, a song that poured their personal experiences, the struggles of long-distance friendships, and the unwavering pursuit of their artistic dreams, into a cohesive melody.

Finally, the day arrived. With a mix of nervous excitement, they submitted their online applications to Big Hit, their demo attached. They knew the wait could be agonizing, but the sense of purpose and shared ambition fueled their determination.

As they awaited a response, they began to make individual plans. Yeonjun secured an internship at a prestigious design firm, while Beomgyu continued to hone his musical skills at a local recording studio. Soobin landed a freelance graphic design job, and Taehyun started performing at local venues, his music evolving with a newfound confidence.

The summer flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Then, one sweltering afternoon, as they were gathered at their usual spot under the oak tree, their phones lit up simultaneously with the same notification. Their hearts pounded in unison as they clicked on the emails.

A collective gasp filled the air, followed by shrieks of joy that echoed through the park. The message on the screen was clear: Big Hit Entertainment would like to schedule an audition.

Their shared dream, once a distant aspiration whispered under the branches of the oak tree, was now within their grasp. The journey ahead would be challenging, but fueled by their unwavering friendship, their individual talents, and a song that spoke their truth, they were ready to face the audition and chase their dreams together.


The Big Hit audition loomed large, casting a nervous energy over the friends. Weeks of intense practice followed, each member pushing themselves to excel. Yeonjun meticulously crafted a storyboard for their music video, translating the song's essence into a visually stunning concept. Beomgyu spent hours refining his rap verses, weaving their shared story into witty wordplay. Soobin honed his background vocals, adding layers of texture to Taehyun's soaring melodies.

The day of the audition arrived. Butterflies fluttered in their stomachs as they entered the imposing building, the air thick with anticipation. They were ushered into a sterile practice room, the starkness contrasting sharply with the vibrant energy they carried within. As they took their positions, a hush fell over the room.

A panel of judges sat behind a long table, their expressions unreadable. Taking a deep breath, Beomgyu strummed the opening chords, a nervous smile playing on his lips. The room was filled with their music, raw emotion blending with meticulous structure. Yeonjun's storyboard flickered on a screen behind them, adding a visual dimension to their performance.

They poured their hearts and souls into it, their voices intertwining, their energy pulsing through the room. When the last note faded, a heavy silence descended. The seconds stretched into an eternity before the lead judge finally spoke.

"That was..." he began, his voice laced with a hint of surprise, "interesting. Unconventional, but undeniably powerful."

The other judges murmured amongst themselves, their faces giving away little. The tension in the room was palpable. Finally, the lead judge spoke again.

"We appreciate you sharing your talents with us," he continued. "We'll be in touch."

Relief washed over them as they exited the building. The audition was over, but the uncertainty lingered. Had they impressed the judges? Did they stand out from the countless other hopefuls? They exchanged nervous smiles, a silent promise hanging between them to face whatever results awaited.

Days turned into weeks, the silence from Big Hit a deafening roar. Just as doubts began to creep in, their phones buzzed. It was an email notification from Big Hit. Hearts pounding, they clicked open the message.

They weren't offered a debut contract. Not yet. But the email offered them a surprising alternative: a trainee program. It was a chance to hone their skills under the watchful eyes of industry professionals, compete against a talented pool of trainees, and potentially earn a place in a debuting group.

Disappointment flickered across their faces, quickly replaced by a renewed determination. This wasn't a rejection, but a new challenge. It was an opportunity to learn, grow, and push their boundaries together.

With excited determination, they accepted the offer. Big Hit wasn't the end of their journey, but a new chapter. They were entering a world of intense competition, rigorous training, and countless unknowns. But they faced it together, their friendship a shield against the challenges that awaited, their shared dream fueling their unwavering determination.

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