☆ 33: kim sunoo.

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Exhausted but resolute, Yeonjun scrolled through his phone, seeking a distraction. He stumbled upon a trending video - a young singer, captivating the audience with his soulful vocals and effortless stage presence. The name beneath the video sent a jolt through him: Sunoo.

A wave of memories flooded back. Years ago, before the pressure of fame and the burden of their secret, Yeonjun had encountered a talented young person named Sunoo performing on a street corner. Their interaction was brief, a fleeting smile and a shared passion for music. But the memory of Sunoo's captivating eyes and raw talent had stayed with Yeonjun.

He snapped back: 

" That bitch. I can't forgive him for what he'd done to me, high school was already SHIT. I should not be focusing about Sunoo anymore. "

Now, watching Sunoo debuting after a survival show, a sense of pride mingled with a tinge of nostalgia. He had no idea if Sunoo was under Big Hit, or if their paths would ever cross again. But the encounter served as a reminder of the importance of chasing dreams and staying true to oneself, something that felt increasingly difficult amidst the pressures of fame.

The following weeks were a whirlwind of calculated ambiguity. Yeonjun and Beomgyu, fueled by a mix of trepidation and determination, began dropping subtle hints about their relationship. It was a delicate dance, weaving a narrative that felt genuine yet cryptic enough to avoid raising immediate alarms.

Their music became the canvas for their coded messages. Their upcoming single,
" Nap of a star ", a track known for its yearning melody and lyrics about unspoken feelings, resonated differently now. Fans noticed the way the lyrics about a connection transcending words mirrored the lingering glances and unspoken understanding between Yeonjun and Beomgyu.

Social media interactions shifted as well. Playful banter took on a new tone, seemingly casual touches lingered a beat longer in photos, and the way their eyes met in interviews held a new layer of unspoken understanding. These subtle changes, reminiscent of the longing gazes described in "Run Away," fueled speculation amongst MOA.

The dedicated fandom, ever-observant, were the first to pick up on the nuances. Theories swirled online, some fans piecing together the puzzle with uncanny accuracy. Others remained blissfully unaware, enjoying the perceived bromance between the members. The ambiguity served its purpose, creating a buzz around TXT that transcended their music.

Online forums erupted with analysis. Fans dissected lyrics from "Can You Hear Me?" and "Our summer," comparing them to past interviews and scrutinizing every interaction between Yeonjun and Beomgyu. The discussions became a space for fans to delve deeper into the meaning behind TXT's music and image.

Meanwhile, within the confines of Big Hit, the executives watched with a mixture of curiosity and concern. The subtle changes in TXT's image hadn't gone unnoticed. The marketing team, initially apprehensive, saw a potential opportunity to expand their audience, referencing the global success of "Crown" that had catapulted TXT to fame. However, the more conservative members of the board expressed worry about a potential backlash from more traditional fans.

A meeting was called, a battle brewing between progress and profit. The future of TXT, and their secret relationship, hung in the balance. As Yeonjun and Beomgyu prepared for the release of "Nap of a star", they knew the song wouldn't just be a musical milestone, but a potential turning point for their entire lives. The song's success could either amplify their message or force them back into the shadows.


The aftershock of "Can You Hear Me?" reverberated through the K-Pop world. Devoted MOAs championed TXT's bravery, while others questioned the sudden shift in their image. The conservative wing of Big Hit's board pressured damage control, leaving the marketing team scrambling. Despite the chaos, Yeonjun and Beomgyu found solace in each other, their secret a flickering flame amidst the storm.

One afternoon, lost in thought after a particularly tense interview, Yeonjun nearly collided with someone in the labyrinthine corridors of Big Hit. He mumbled an apology, expecting a trainee, but a jolt of electricity shot through him when he saw who it was.


Not the person he expected to see from years ago, but Sunoo of ENHYPEN, his signature brown hair styled perfectly, a stark contrast to the platinum blonde Yeonjun sported for their comeback. Their paths often crossed at music shows, but this unexpected encounter felt charged with a different kind of energy.

"Yeonjun?" Sunoo stammered, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and something else – nervousness? Yeonjun raised one of his eyebrow, mirrored his expression, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

Years had passed since their brief meeting, but the memory of their shared passion for music remained vivid. Now, they stood on opposite sides of the K-Pop divide, their paths unexpectedly colliding in the heart of Big Hit.

The silence stretched, thick with unspoken questions and a sudden awareness neither could ignore. Yeonjun desperately wanted to ask about Sunoo's thoughts on "Can You Hear Me?", the song that held the weight of their unspoken truth. However, the risk of their conversation being misinterpreted, of jeopardizing everything they'd built, was paralyzing.

"Hey, lost in award show daydreams?" Sunoo finally offered, a slightly strained smile playing on his lips. He tried to project his usual playful demeanor, but the forced cheer couldn't mask the nervous tremor in his voice.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

Yeonjun forced a smile back, his throat suddenly dry. 

"Just needed a break," he managed. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to their usual easy camaraderie at award ceremonies.

Moments ticked by, an eternity suspended in the sterile hallway. Finally, as if sensing the increasing awkwardness, Sunoo cleared his throat.

"Well," he said, his voice barely a whisper, "see you around, I guess."

He cast one last nervous glance at Yeonjun before disappearing around the corner, leaving Yeonjun rooted to the spot, his head spinning. The chance encounter had ignited a storm of emotions he couldn't decipher. Was it simply surprise at seeing Sunoo, or a deeper yearning for something unspoken?

Yeonjun rejoined Beomgyu, his mind a whirlwind of confusion. Their secret, carefully veiled in their music, seemed to hang heavy in the air now, a tangible presence in the wake of his encounter with Sunoo. The future stretched before them, an uncharted map. 

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