☆ 14 : a blind date?

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The following months continued to be a journey of healing for Yeonjun. He still carried the scars of Sunoo's betrayal, a lingering wariness that occasionally clouded his judgment. Yet, the unwavering support of his friends and the rekindled closeness with his family provided a safe haven.

One evening, while sharing dinner with his friends, the conversation turned to dating apps. Beomgyu, ever the tech-savvy one, jokingly swiped through an app on his phone, showing them hilarious profiles.

Suddenly, Yeonjun stopped him. "Wait, isn't that the guy from the park?"

There, on Beomgyu's phone screen, was the charming guitarist Yeonjun had met months ago. A thrill of surprise shot through him, a mix of nervousness and a long-dormant excitement.

Beomgyu, noticing Yeonjun's reaction, grinned mischievously. "Looks like fate's giving you a nudge, hyung."

With a playful nudge from his friends, Yeonjun hesitantly decided to create his own profile. He poured his heart into his bio, expressing his love for music and art, cautiously mentioning his recent heartbreak but focusing on his desire for genuine connection.

The next few days were filled with nervous anticipation. Then, one notification changed everything. It was a match. The guitarist, whose name was Jaehyun, had swiped right too.

Their initial messages were shy, hesitant explorations of shared interests. They talked about music, their favorite artists, and Jaehyun's dream of starting a band. As they messaged more, a comfortable rhythm developed. Jaehyun's humor made Yeonjun laugh out loud, and his genuine curiosity warmed Yeonjun's heart.

Finally, after weeks of online conversations, Jaehyun gathered his courage and asked Yeonjun out on a blind date. Yeonjun hesitated, the ghosts of past betrayal flickering at the edges of his mind. But remembering the spark he felt in the park, and the unwavering support of his friends, he decided to take a chance.

(NOTE: This is just a blind date okay! They're NOT dating each other.)


He typed, a nervous excitement bubbling in his stomach. Beomgyu seems uncomfortable somehow but he quickly brushed his feelings away as he peeked into Yeonjun's texts.

The date was perfect in its simplicity. They grabbed coffee, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Jaehyun listened intently as Yeonjun shared his experience with Sunoo, offering words of understanding and support that soothed a hidden ache in Yeonjun's heart. There was no pressure, just a comfortable connection that felt right.  

It was a sunny day. Yeonjun and Jaehyun strolled by the river. After the initial awkwardness, conversation flowed like cheap wine – easy to swallow, a little forgettable. They talked about movies (Jaehyun loved action flicks, Yeonjun preferred cheesy rom-coms), debated the merits of pineapple on pizza (Jaehyun was a purist, Yeonjun a rebel with a cause), and compared their questionable taste in music (turns out they both secretly enjoyed that one embarrassing pop band from the early 2000s).

Yeonjun realized it was already late, he quickly said to Jaehyun: 

" O-oh! It's getting late. We should get home now, I'll go first. Bye! "

" Wait! Let me walk you home, take it as my pleasure for today . . . ! "

Yeonjun awkwardly nodded.


As they walked home under the soft glow of streetlights, Jaehyun stopped and looked into Yeonjun's eyes. 

 " You're an amazing person to talk to, Yeonjun. I had fun today with you. "

" Thanks. " Yeonjun said.

Yeonjun stunned and a delightful warmth spreading through him. He couldn't remember the last time someone had looked at him with such genuine admiration. Yeonjun tried to stop his gaze. But before Jaehyun could said anything any further, a loud ringtone shattered the moment.

Yeonjun pulled out his phone, the caller ID flashing "Beomgyu bear." He glanced at Jaehyun apologetically.

" Sorry, it might be important," Yeonjun mumbled, answering the call.

" Hey, hyung! Where are you? We're starting Mario Kart without you!" Beomgyu's voice boomed through the speaker.

Yeonjun winced, picturing the chaotic scene at his friend's place. "Actually, I'm out with someone right now."

There was a beat of surprised silence, then a suspicious cough from Beomgyu. "Out with someone? Who is it? Spill the tea!"

Yeonjun couldn't help but smile. He stole a glance at Jaehyun, who was watching the exchange with a hint of amusement. 

 "Uh, it's... a new friend, yk the guy on the dating app. " Yeonjun hedged, not wanting to reveal everything just yet.

Beomgyu's voice dropped to a dramatic whisper. 

 "A new friend? Like, a date friend?"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. 

"Maybe. Look, I'll tell you all about it later, okay? Just save a controller for me."

" Fine," Beomgyu grumbled, a hint of disappointment lacing his voice. 

"But you better hurry! We're about to start the third race!"

Yeonjun hung up, a playful smirk forming on his lips. He turned back to Jaehyun, who raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like I have some explaining to do," Yeonjun chuckled and quickly walk away.

Jaehyun's lips twitched into a smile. 

" Well, tell me about this friend who disrupts Mario Kart nights. "

As Yeonjun launched into a lighthearted explanation:

 " He's a best friend of mine, you don't need to know!! "

A flicker of something akin to jealousy sparked in Beomgyu's eyes across town. He slammed his controller down, a playful pout forming on his lips.

" A date, huh? "

 Beomgyu muttered to himself, his competitive spirit momentarily overshadowed by a strange pang of possessiveness. He quickly shook off the feeling, forcing a grin as his friends cheered over a particularly brutal blue shell attack.

" Alright, alright," Beomgyu grumbled good-naturedly. 

" Let's just finish this race. But Yeonjun better bring the snacks when he gets here!"


Back with the friends, Beomgyu grilled Yeonjun for details. " So, spill! Did he laugh at your jokes? Does he have good taste in memes?" 

Yeonjun, slightly tipsy from the sugary coffee they shared, mumbled something about decent jokes and... uh... funny cat videos?

Their next "hangouts" followed a similar pattern. They browsed bookstores, Yeonjun accidentally knocking over a precariously balanced stack while reaching for a manga. They went to a karaoke bar, butchering classic ballads with impressive enthusiasm (and questionable talent). Through it all, they laughed easily, a comfortable camaraderie forming. It wasn't fireworks, but it was fun, and that was enough for now. 

(wow Beomgyu's jealousy ~ ?? hmmm)

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