☆ 29 : frustration

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The initial euphoria of being reunited settled into a comfortable routine for Yeonjun and Beomgyu. They navigated the bustling city together, Yeonjun's vibrant art critiques fueling Beomgyu's creative fire, and Beomgyu's impromptu jam sessions providing a welcome escape for Yeonjun from the structured world of his art school. Yet, a subtle tension began to simmer beneath the surface.

Yeonjun thrived under the tutelage of his professors, their structured approach pushing him to refine his artistic technique. His canvases became more detailed, his colors more controlled, a stark contrast to his earlier, more expressive style. Beomgyu, on the other hand, chafed at the rigid methods. His music yearned for a rawness, an emotional depth that felt stifled in the classroom.

One evening, after a particularly frustrating day at school, Beomgyu returned to their dorm room, his frustration bubbling over. He slammed his guitar case down, the sound echoing through the small space.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yeonjun asked, his brow furrowed with concern. He looked up from his canvas, where he was meticulously recreating a still life of fruit.

Beomgyu ran a hand through his hair, his voice laced with frustration. "This school, man. It's like they're trying to squeeze all the soul out of my music."

Yeonjun set down his paintbrush, his gaze flickering between Beomgyu and the half-finished painting. 

"I understand your frustration, Beomgyu. But Professor Kim is a renowned artist. Maybe there's something to learn from his methods."

Beomgyu let out a scoff. 

"Learn to paint a perfect bowl of pears? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the technique, but where's the passion? Where's the emotion?"

A tense silence filled the room. Yeonjun, for the first time since their reunion, felt a flicker of irritation. His artistic vision, nurtured by his new environment, seemed to clash with Beomgyu's desire for an unfettered creative expression.

"Maybe," Yeonjun said carefully, "we both need to adapt a little. You could learn some control, and I could loosen up a bit. No but don't worry, I'll be back in music degree after college. "

Beomgyu picked up his guitar, strumming a melancholic chord. 

"Maybe you're right. But sometimes, the best art comes from letting go, not holding on."

The conversation ended with an unspoken understanding. Their shared creative language, once a source of effortless harmony, seemed to be translating with slight misinterpretations. The pressure of their individual journeys began to cast a shadow over their unified dream.

Meanwhile, miles away, Soobin and Taehyun battled their own long-distance struggles. Soobin, overwhelmed with the demands of his new program and the loneliness of a new city, found himself withdrawing from communication. Taehyun, sensing the distance growing, showered Soobin with messages and calls, only to be met with delayed responses or terse explanations.

One evening, Taehyun, feeling dejected after a particularly unproductive practice session, found himself at a local bar. There, he met a friendly group of musicians, their camaraderie offering a temporary escape from his loneliness. As the night wore on, he found himself drawn to a talented violinist, her music resonating with a raw emotion that mirrored his own longing.

The encounter served as a wake-up call for Taehyun. Though nothing untoward happened, the temptation to seek solace elsewhere jolted him back to reality. He realized that neglecting communication with Soobin, out of frustration and loneliness, only made things worse.

The next morning, he sent Soobin a heartfelt apology, pouring his emotions into a long message. He acknowledged the challenges of the distance but reaffirmed his love and commitment to their relationship.

The friends, scattered across cities and grappling with their own internal conflicts, clung to the invisible threads that bound them together. The once clear path toward their shared dreams seemed to have taken a detour, forcing them to navigate their individual growth while staying true to their unwavering bond.


The weight of their unspoken tensions hung heavy in the air between Yeonjun and Beomgyu. They navigated their days with a practiced ease, attending classes, sharing meals, but the spark of their usual creative collaboration seemed to have dimmed. One evening, after a particularly frustrating art critique, Yeonjun found himself staring at his unfinished canvas, the perfectly rendered pears feeling sterile and lifeless.

Suddenly, a familiar melody drifted from Beomgyu's room next door. It was a melancholic tune, filled with a yearning that resonated with Yeonjun's own artistic dissatisfaction. Curiosity piqued, he grabbed his sketchbook and headed next door.

Beomgyu stopped playing at the sound of the door opening, a mixture of surprise and frustration flickering on his face. But as Yeonjun held up the sketchbook, a silent invitation hanging in the air, Beomgyu's expression softened.

They sat in companionable silence for a while, Beomgyu's music filling the room. Finally, Yeonjun began to sketch, his hand translating the emotions in the melody onto the page. The initial frustration, the yearning for raw expression, it all poured onto the paper, a stark contrast to his recent, controlled works.

When the last note faded, they looked at each other, a newfound understanding dawning.

"Wow," Beomgyu breathed, his voice filled with awe as he looked at Yeonjun's sketch. 

"It captures the feeling perfectly."

Yeonjun smiled. 

"Your music did the same. Maybe we don't have to compromise our individual styles. Maybe we can find a way to bridge the gap."

Their conversation sparked a flurry of creativity. They spent the next few days playing, sketching, and talking, pouring their emotions into their art. Beomgyu's frustration with the structured classes fueled his music with an intensity that resonated with Yeonjun's yearning to break free from the confines of technical perfection.

One afternoon, inspired by Beomgyu's rebellious spirit, Yeonjun decided to skip his afternoon still life class. He joined Beomgyu at a local music store, the cacophony of instruments a stark contrast to the sterile silence of the art studio. Surrounded by sounds, Yeonjun began a new painting, his brushstrokes bold and expressive, capturing the raw energy of the music store.

As the days turned into weeks, their collaboration blossomed. Beomgyu started incorporating elements of theory learned in his classes, adding a touch of structure to his music. Yeonjun, inspired by Beomgyu's passion, began to experiment with color and texture in his art, creating pieces brimming with raw emotion.

Miles away, Soobin and Taehyun were also navigating their own path to reconciliation. Soobin, overwhelmed by guilt for neglecting communication, poured his emotions into his art projects, creating stunning installations that spoke of longing and connection. Taehyun, inspired by his encounter with the violinist, used his newfound appreciation for diverse musical styles to compose a love song that resonated with a newfound depth.

One weekend, Soobin decided to surprise Taehyun. He boarded a train, his heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. When he arrived at Taehyun's city, he found Taehyun performing at a local coffee shop, his song filled with an aching beauty that brought tears to Soobin's eyes.

" I missed you, Tyunie! " Soobin ran to Taehyun, hugging him tightly. 

" Calm down little bunny, I missed you too. " 

After the performance, they embraced, the distance forgotten in the warmth of their reunion. They spent the weekend exploring Taehyun's city, their communication flowing more freely than ever before. They realized that distance didn't have to be a barrier, but rather an opportunity to appreciate their time together even more.

The four friends, though scattered across different cities and facing their own challenges, were slowly finding their harmony amidst the discord. Their individual growth, fueled by their creative pursuits and emotional struggles, was bringing them closer to their shared dream, a testament to the enduring strength of their friendship and the unwavering pursuit of their artistic passions. 


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