☆ 18 : something new

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- Yeonjun's thoughts about Beomgyu's confession :

Relief washed over Yeonjun like a tidal wave when Beomgyu finally confessed his feelings. The weeks leading up to it had been a tangled mess of unspoken emotions and nervous hesitations. He'd seen the struggle in Beomgyu's eyes, the way he wrestled with his insecurities and the fear of rejection.

Part of Yeonjun had always known. The lingering touches, the way Beomgyu's gaze lingered a beat too long – these were subtle clues that spoke volumes to Yeonjun's observant heart. He, himself, had harbored a growing affection for Beomgyu, a comfortable ease that had blossomed into something more. However, the fear of jeopardizing their friendship and the unspoken dynamic within the band had kept him from acknowledging it, even to himself.

Beomgyu's confession shattered the dam of unspoken emotions. In that moment, Yeonjun felt a wave of relief wash over him. He wasn't alone in his feelings. The path ahead, though uncertain, was no longer shrouded in the fog of unspoken desires.

" I don't know. Why does Beomgyu likes me? Some part of me felt that Beomgyu is somehow connected to me, but I never knew that he likes me this long, for the whole time. "

There was a flicker of doubt, of course. What if their friendship, the foundation of their lives and their music, crumbled under the weight of a romantic relationship? What if things didn't work out, leaving them both heartbroken and the band fractured?

But as Yeonjun looked into Beomgyu's hopeful eyes, filled with a vulnerability he'd never seen before, those doubts began to melt away. The honesty in Beomgyu's gaze, the raw emotions laid bare, spoke volumes. This wasn't just a fleeting crush; it was a deep affection, a connection that transcended friendship.

Yeonjun knew the risk was worth taking. The potential for a love story, a love that had blossomed from the fertile ground of their deep friendship, was too beautiful to ignore. He yearned to explore this new chapter with Beomgyu, to navigate the uncharted territory together, hand in hand.

So, with a hesitant smile and a pounding heart, Yeonjun reached out and took Beomgyu's hand. The touch was electric, a silent promise of a future they would build together. In that shared moment, their friendship transformed, evolving into something deeper, richer, and filled with the exhilarating potential of love.

"  I should reply to him soon. "


The weeks that followed were a delicate dance. Beomgyu and Yeonjun fell back into a comfortable routine, their friendship the sturdy foundation for their blossoming feelings. Stolen glances lingered a beat too long, touches lingered a fraction of a second more, and their late-night talks morphed into comfortable silences where unspoken emotions hung heavy in the air.

One crisp autumn evening, after a particularly successful performance, the band found themselves celebrating at their usual haunt – a cozy ramen bar. The warmth of the broth and the buzz of conversation masked the tension simmering beneath the surface, especially for Beomgyu. He watched Yeonjun from across the table, his gaze catching on the playful way Soobin teased Yeonjun about a missed note. A pang of jealousy, unwelcome and familiar, twisted in his gut.

"Hey," Soobin nudged Beomgyu, his smirk barely concealed. "Earth to Beomgyu. You okay?"

Beomgyu forced a smile.

"Yeah, just thinking."

Taking a deep breath, he decided to confront his insecurities head-on. Later that night, as the others drifted off to sleep after a movie marathon at Beomgyu's apartment, he found himself alone with Yeonjun on the balcony, the cityscape twinkling below them.

TXT || ★ I need you ( ft. beomjun )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz