☆ 20 : mess up

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( note : they're grade 11, only Jaehyun is grade 12 )

Jaehyun posted his new song online, the raw lyrics a thinly veiled confession of his feelings for Yeonjun. The song went viral, garnering millions of views and interpretations. Fans started speculating, dissecting the lyrics for clues about the muse behind the melancholic melody. Beomgyu, confused by the sudden attention and the suggestive comments flooding his social media, he decided to confront Jaehyun. 

"What is this supposed to mean?" Beomgyu demanded, his voice laced with hurt and anger.

 "This song practically screams that you're in love with Yeonjun!"

Jaehyun flinched, caught off guard by Beomgyu's reaction. "It's not what you think," he stammered, but the lie tasted like ash in his mouth.

Beomgyu scoffed. 

" Don't lie to me, Jaehyun. I may be younger, but I'm not stupid. What were you thinking, posting a song like that? Are you trying to sabotage our relationship?"

" No! I just ... "

" WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN OUR RELATIONSHIP? I've always liked Yeonjun-hyung and yet you decided to write a song about your feelings with him? What about me? "

The accusation stung. Jaehyun had never intended to hurt Beomgyu, but the song was his truth, a way to finally purge his emotions. The situation spiraled out of control, their friendship fracturing under the weight of unspoken feelings and misplaced blame. 

Yeonjun quickly knew about the song and he's very surprised. Soobin, Taehyun and Kai are also frustrated about Jaehyun's new song too.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun found himself caught in the middle. The song resonated with him deeply, stirring a kaleidoscope of emotions. He'd grown fond of Beomgyu, their connection undeniable. But a part of him already ignored the vulnerability in Jaehyun's song, the echo of a love that could have been.


Torn between his feelings for Beomgyu and the unexpected vulnerability Jaehyun exposed, Yeonjun retreated, withdrawing from both of them. The band practices became tense, punctuated by silences and strained interactions. The once vibrant camaraderie had dissolved, replaced by a suffocating atmosphere of unspoken feelings and simmering resentment.

As the drama unfolded online and within the band, rumors swirled. Fan theories ran wild, some painting Jaehyun as a hero, a victim of unrequited love. Others criticized him for being insensitive to Beomgyu's feelings. The pressure mounted, threatening to destroy not just their friendship but their musical career.


The viral song became a constant companion to Jaehyun's morning commute. He'd snuck it onto his phone, listening to it on repeat with a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of liberation. Being in a different school shielded him from the immediate fallout, but the news trickled through via occasional calls from Soobin.

"Apparently, Beomgyu's throwing a tantrum," Soobin reported, his voice laced with amusement.

 "Claims the song is all about him, that you're just bitter because Yeonjun chose him."

Jaehyun scoffed. Beomgyu had never been a factor in his complicated feelings for Yeonjun. He cared about the band, about their music, but Beomgyu was simply a talented guitarist, not a rival for his affections.

"Don't worry about it," Jaehyun replied coolly. "Let them sort it out. Besides, the song isn't even about Beomgyu."

Soobin chuckled. 

"Right, right. Just Yeonjun then, huh?"

Jaehyun stayed silent, a flicker of warmth spreading through his chest. He wouldn't admit it to Soobin, but the thought of Yeonjun being the inspiration behind the song's raw emotions was strangely comforting.


Days turned into weeks, the song's virality fading. Jaehyun focused on his new school, immersing himself in his music classes and making new friends. He still missed the camaraderie of their former band, the late-night jam sessions fueled by shared dreams and cheap instant noodles. But the distance gave him a much-needed perspective.

One evening, while browsing music forums online, he stumbled upon a thread dedicated to the viral song. Fan theories swirled, dissecting the lyrics and speculating about the muse behind the melancholic melody. A familiar username caught his eye – Beomgyu.

Beomgyu's post was a rambling mess, filled with accusations and thinly veiled jabs at Jaehyun. He complained about feeling like a consolation prize, about the song exposing his relationship with Yeonjun as a sham.

Jaehyun scrolled through the comments, a cold indifference settling over him. Beomgyu's pain was his own doing. The "relationship" with Yeonjun, if it even existed, was a ploy for attention, and Jaehyun refused to be dragged into their drama.

He closed the laptop, a newfound sense of resolve washing over him. Maybe the distance from his old band wasn't a bad thing after all. It allowed him to focus on his own music, his own journey, and maybe, just maybe, someday find the courage to express his true feelings for Yeonjun, consequences be damned.

(dw Sunoo is coming back soon)

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