☆ 19 : jaehyun

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Jaehyun wasn't present when Beomgyu confessed his feelings for Yeonjun. He was caught up in a recording session for a solo project, a collaboration with a rising R&B artist. By the time he returned to the studio, the air crackled with a different energy. Beomgyu and Yeonjun seemed closer, a silent understanding passing between them that left Jaehyun feeling like an outsider peering into an exclusive club. Then, Yeonjun walked in with Beomgyu.

" Hey Jaehyun, how's your studio going? " Yeonjun asked. 

Beomgyu kept looking at Jaehyun and clung to Yeonjun. 

" Yeonjun-hyung, is that the Jaehyun guy? " Beomgyu asked playfully. 

" Yeah, he's my friend. " 

He tried to act nonchalant, his usual playful banter tinged with a forced cheer. But the truth was, a knot of unease had settled in his gut. Beomgyu's confession forced him to confront his own tangled emotions. He'd never fully admitted it, not even to himself, but there had definitely been a spark with Yeonjun, a comfortable ease that hinted at something more.

Over the next few weeks, the dynamic in Jaehyun's band shifted subtly. Practices were efficient but lacked their usual spark. Late-night jam sessions, once a regular occurrence, became a thing of the past. Jaehyun found himself withdrawing, retreating into his solo project, the soulful melodies a reflection of his own turmoil.

One evening, after a particularly strained practice session, Jaehyun lingered behind as the others packed up. He found Yeonjun alone, wiping down his drum kit. Hesitantly, Jaehyun approached him.

"Hey," he said, his voice gruffer than intended. "We cool?"

Yeonjun looked up, surprise flickering across his face. "Yeah, of course," he said, his voice neutral. 

 "Why wouldn't we be?"

Jaehyun scuffed his sneakers against the polished floor. 

 "Things just feel... different lately."

There was a beat of silence, then Yeonjun sighed. "Look, Jaehyun," he began, his voice gentled,

 " Beomgyu and I... we talked. And things have changed between us. I know, this might be hard for you but I just felt that I'm attracted to Beomgyu more. At that night, Beomgyu introduced me to the dating app and I saw you, my mental health was not okay at that time. I thought dating someone else will help but . . . I hope you understand my choice. Beomgyu did confessed to me and I slowly realized that my feelings to Beomgyu started to develop truly in my mind too. We could stay as bros and the past "dates" will be just something for you to explore. I'll start to forget about them soon.

Jaehyun nodded, the knot in his gut tightening. "Right," he managed, forcing a smile. 

 "I figured."

"It wasn't easy," Yeonjun continued, his gaze sincere. " I want to make things easy for you, Jaehyun. And we want things to be okay between us."

Jaehyun appreciated the sentiment, but a bitter taste lingered in his mouth. "Okay," he echoed, the word devoid of conviction. 

"I just need some time, I guess."

He left the studio that night, the weight of unspoken emotions a heavy burden. He understood Beomgyu and Yeonjun's feelings, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow. He craved the easy camaraderie they once shared, the feeling of belonging that seemed to be slipping away.

The following days were a blur of recording sessions and promotional appearances. Jaehyun went through the motions, the music a hollow echo of his inner turmoil. One night, while scrolling through social media, he stumbled upon a fan edit dedicated to Beomgyu and Yeonjun – a compilation of their stolen glances, playful touches, and inside jokes. A wave of envy washed over him, a bitter aftertaste lingering on his tongue.

He tossed his phone on the couch, a frustrated groan escaping his lips. He cared about Beomgyu and Yeonjun, truly. But a part of him couldn't help but wonder what if? What if he'd been braver, more honest with himself and with them?

" I should move on but I can't stand being like this, I liked Yeonjun too. "

With a sigh, he picked up his guitar, his fingers strumming a melancholic melody. The song that poured out was raw and honest, a reflection of his own unresolved feelings and the bittersweet taste of a love unrequited. As the last note faded, a sense of catharsis washed over him. Perhaps, he thought, this was the first step towards healing, towards accepting the new dynamic and rebuilding their friendship on a foundation of honesty and understanding.


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