Chapter 97: Blazing Team's Challenge

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Su Wen's Replication Spirit Skill has some advantages over Oscar, namely, the need for replication only once.

Once replicated, it solely depends on his Soul Power to maintain the replication of the corresponding Spirit Skill.

However, this also imposes a burden, causing him to bear the responsibility of sustaining the replication of many Martial Spirits associated with it at all times.

Currently, Su Wen has not replicated many Martial Spirits, but it is uncertain how many Martial Spirits he will need to replicate in the future.

"This Martial Spirit of the Flame Flower can be completely preserved; all three Spirit Skills within it have research value. However, among the Martial Spirit of the Fiery Ape, only Blazing Body has the greatest impact on me. Keeping the Spirit Skill of Blazing Body is sufficient."

Su Wen's Replication Spirit Skill replicates Martial Spirits, not Spirit Skills.

However, at this moment, in order to reduce consumption, he wants to preserve only the replication of Spirit Skills without the need to additionally retain the Fiery Ape Martial Spirit and its Spirit Skills.

Looking at his Martial Spirit, observing the pages imprinted with the Fiery Ape Martial Spirit, the special patterns prompted Su Wen to think of another method.

"I can engrave abilities like Fire Element Control on the pages to enhance myself. So, can I engrave these Spirit Skills onto my Martial Spirit?"

After engraving, strengthening oneself would be akin to incorporating the Spirit Skills engraved on the pages into one's own abilities, right?

"All I need to do is master the art of engraving."

Thinking this through, Su Wen frowned, sensing a logical inconsistency.

"If I master the art of engraving, wouldn't that be equivalent to me directly mastering this Spirit Skill?"

"If I already possess this Spirit Skill, why would I need the means of engraving to enhance it?"

So, after going in circles, it turns out that I need to internalize the Spirit Skills obtained through replication, thoroughly master them, and learn the Spirit Skills of others' Martial Spirits in the form of creating my own Spirit Skills?

Su Wen felt that this could be attempted but shouldn't be the main approach in the future.

After all, there are too many Spirit Skills, and he may not be able to learn them all.

"However, if I want to reduce consumption, engraving becomes particularly important," Su Wen felt that engraving was the key to solving this problem.

A flash of insight, the power of visualization came into play, and he recorded this moment of enlightenment.

"The means of engraving I've used before were only temporary records. What if it's a permanent record?"

While contemplating, Su Wen also meditated and practiced.

The next day, Su Wen and Ning Rongrong once again arrived at the Great Spirit Arena, participating in the second Spirit Fighter match in Blazing City.

The opponents were still a Silver Spirit Fighter team, but this time, most of the enemies were not young; they had reached middle age, and their Soul Power fluctuations were all at level thirty-six and above.

All seven opponents were Silver Spirit Fighter Badge holders.

Su Wen still emerged victorious, but unfortunately, he didn't replicate any meaningful Spirit Skills.

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