i thought you loved me (pt.2)

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A months had pasted since your experience with Alex. The feeling of hurt eventually left and you moved on, you other heard that Alex had made it official with another girl but you weren't that bothered . It was a regular night, sat in your pyjamas watching your favourite TV series and eating snacks when there was a knock on your door. You considered leaving it as you were comfy but soon gained the energy to answer as they kept knocking. You walked over and slowly opened it. You opened it to see Alex stood on your door, he looked upset.

"Alex but i thought?" You couldn't finished your sentence, you were to stunned.

"I know y/n, Im sorry. I was a knob head." He said looking at the floor, guilty.

You paused and stared at him. "Al, Its just. You said you didnt love me after all the interment moments we shared and you just walked out."

He stood there not daring to make eye contact with you. "Im sorry y/n I just wanted you to know that." He said and turned around to leave.

Something in you changed. "Al wait, come in ill get you a drink."

He turned around to look after you and smiled and followed you in.

Alex walked in stood in the middle of your living room, looking at something. "You still have that?" He questions.

"What?" You say as your eyes shoot over to the TV cabinet.

"The chocolate box i got you when i was last here?" He said picking it up.

"Oh uh, yeah." You say embarrassed. Alex giggled to himself and placed it back down.

"Why did you come back Al?" You said confused.

Alex turned to you. "Because i realised what i walked away from." He said looking into your eyes.

You were amazed at what he said as it took you by surprise, but could you forgive him for playing you like that?

Your instinct got the better of you and you ran to Alex and threw your arms around him, crying in happiness in his shoulder. "I missed you Al."

"I missed you too y/n, now let watch that film you always used to talk about ey?" He said kissing your forehead.

You both sat down on the sofa and snuggled down, Alex had his arms around you and you were playing with his hands. For some reason you felt whole again, the sadness had left and you felt normal again. But should you of gone back?

- sorry its short i didn't know what to do, hope you enjoyed anyway! -

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