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You wake up to find Alex not in bed, You look at the clock. 8am he's normally fast asleep still. Your just sat up in bed waking up as your head the door handle open.

'Merry Christmas darling!' you hear Alex's sleepy voice say.

'Merry Christmas handsome.' You say back. 'come get back in bed and give me cuddles for abit.'

Alex takes this as a opportunity and jumps back into bed and curls up in your arms.

'You tired?' You ask as you kiss his head.

'yeah i've been going presents.' He giggles.

'awh baby, Your so cute.' you blush at him. 'can we open them?'

'Of course gorgeous.' Alex replies getting up and helping you out of bed.

You walk into the living room and see a pile of presents under the tree.

'oh my god Al this is so cute.' You say with your hands over your mouth.

Alex just wraps his arms around your waist and giggles.
'Go open one dear.' he orders you.

You go and open a present to find a perfume you've been wanted for ages!

'thank you baby!' you said hugging him. 'i've got one for you.' You said handing Alex a box.

He gives you a look as if you shouldn't have but when he opens it he is gobsmacked.
'Omg baby, i've wanted this for ages, it's meh new watch.' he said kissing you.  You just giggled at him.

You both open your presents but you have one left. You go and grab it but Alex stops you.

'Wait, don't open it yet. I need to talk to you first.' he said grabbing the present.

'okay?' you said curious.

'okay so. I've been thinking about this for awhile and i don't mind what you say but i think you will love this gift i've spent a lot of time thinking about it and getting the perfect one.' he said.

You just looked puzzled,

Alex then got down on one knee.

'Y/n,  will you make me the happiest man ever and become my wife?' He said staring into your eyes.

'YES!' you screamed with tears in your eyes. You tan and hugged him.

'I'm going to me Mrs Turner.' You said putting the ring on.

'Sound sexy darling.' Alex says hugging you around the waist.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat