•Used to be my girl•

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You and Alex broke up 2 months ago and you had just got over it but then your phone started buzzing, it was your bsf.


You read that, confused. Why would he talk about you now? So you opened youtube and found the interview.

                          - on the interview -

"So Alex, Why did you and you and y/n brake up?" The interviewer asked.

"Well things just didn't end out the way we wanted, we argued a lot." Alex said rearranging his sun glasses.

"Did she say anything to you or..?" The interviewer said again.

"Yeah, apparently im a phoney, im a fake, a fraud and a snake. Not the best thing she ever called me but ill live." Alex said and stared into the camera as if he knew you'd see it.

This angered you and you slammed your computer shut. You said that because he cheated on you he just didn't want to damage his reputation. You were so pissed off that for some reason it made you get into your car and drive to his house.

You soon arrived to his house. You got out your car, walked up to his door and banged on. He answered and look startled to see you.

"What the fuck Alex? You thought saying that on live TV would make it better?" You shouted.

He just stood there smirking. "Aww y/n your so cute when your angry, I knew you'd see it thats why i said it."

You were stunned. "Your little girlfriend here?" You rolled your eyes at him.

"Who? Her? Please. Never really liked her just did it." He said smirking.

"So you did it for fun or to hurt me?" You questioned, what he said put a hole in your heart.

"Not sure, wasn't really stable i was high. Im sorry y/n i do miss you, you know" He all of a sudden turned into this heartfelt man.

"Wait what? So you still love me? I'm so confused?" You said angrily.

"Just come in y/n." He looked into your eyes and his little charm worked, you were back in his house.

It was the same as it used to. The same cologne and cigarette smell mixed together.

"Want a drink?" Alex said his back to you.

"no, im driving." You said coldly you knew he was trying to real you back in.

"Well you could stay the night maybe then? You can have my bed? Its getting late now and i dont want you to be driving now." He was giving you mixed signals, does he care or not.

"Fine, But im going to sleep now." He'd won again. "Can i borrow a jumper or something?"

"yeah come on." He smiled.

You followed him upstairs and memories came back to you. It became clear to yourself that you missed him, very clear.

"Al? Maybe can you sleep with me tonight?" You say quietly.

"What? really?" He sounded off again

"You heard." you say annoyed.

He just smirked at you and handed you the hoodie. "if thats what you want love."

You both got into bed and went to sleep. You woke up the next morning in Alex's arms. Why the fuck did you go back to him.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now