i miss you (tbhc era)

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You and Alex broke up 1 year ago and you couldn't move on, he already had. You broke up because things weren't great at that time you were going through some problems and needed space. You always thought you and Alex would get back together and that he would wait for you but he didn't. You still spoke to the rest of the Arctic monkeys and for a fact Matt had invited you a party for the celebration of the new album tranquility base hotel and casino. You accepted his offer and he told you the date and you write if on your calendar.

The night off the party arrived and you were ready about to leave the house. You were wearing Alex's favourite outfit just to catch his eye, A dark blue dress which ended at your thighs. You styled your hair too and did your makeup, soon you had a message that your taxi wad outside so you left your house.

You were stood outside Matts house and music was blasting through the walls. You began contemplating wether you should go in or not but Jamie ended up coming out and greeting you and helped you inside.

"Is Alex here." You ask Jamie but before he could answer you saw Alex with another girl. She looked gorgeous and was probably a model. It hurt how he looked at her it reminded you of your relationship. It also didn't help how she was all over him.

"Y/n? Y/n you alright?" Jamie said taking you from your thoughts.

"I need a drink." You said and walked off.

You got yourself a cocktail and sat on a chair, you could still see Alex but this time he wasn't looking at the girl he was looking at you. You shook it off and went to go find Matt.

You found him sat with the rest of the monkeys, apart from Alex. You continued to sit down with them. You congratulated them on the release of the new album and praised how good it was.

"Batphone is my favourite." You laugh.

"I think star treatment is better." Nick replied.

You were all laugh and catching up y Matt said something you didn't want to hear.

"Alex still talks about you y/n." Matt said.

You felt hurt even though he still talks about you it's like he's always there some how. "If he does what about that new chick." You say.

"He's tried with so many but cant get over you, he even wrote a song about you on the new album." Jamie said taking a swig of his beer.

"Which song." You said. But before anyone could answer Alex walked over.

"Hey, Mind if i join you." Alex said.

Everyone said no so Alex sat down, and he sat down next to you. He looked you up and down recognising the dress but didn't say anything.
He talked to the others like you weren't there, this mad you furious as you could tell he was doing it on purpose. You two broke up as you were having family problems and settled that it was for the best, you had never stopped loving him but he obviously had and moved on.

It was about 10pm now and the others had left the table for drinks leaving you and Alex alone you finally decided to talk to him. "See you got a new girl." You said without turning to him.

"No, just another distraction" He said looking at you.

"Distraction from what?" You said with attitude.

"You." He said taking you by surprise. Now you turned to him and looked into his eyes.

"I heard you wrote a song about me on the new album." You said still staring as his eyes drew you in.

"Yes i did." He said proudly knowing you heard it.

"What song." You say.

"The ultra cheese." He said smiling.

You weren't expecting that as one of the lines are
- still got pictures of friends on the wall suppose we aren't really friends anymore -
When you thought about that line it all made sense.

"But i thought you'd moved on." You reply.

"Never, as i said but i havent stopped loving you all." Alex said looking down at his hands.

You began to tear up. "I miss you." You said as a tear rolled down your cheek.

Alex looked up and smiled at you. "I miss you too y/n."

You kissed him, catching him off guard. "Shit i shouldn't of.." He stopped you by kissing you back.

"Y/n can we get back together." He said wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Course we can Alex, course we can." You say and hug him tight

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