Love letter (sias era)

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You and Alex were sweethearts, the goal couple until you broke up. You broke up due to Alex making a mistake when he was very drunk but it hurt you so you couldn't forgive him. Since the brake up you couldn't stop thinking about him he was the only thing on your mind. In a way wanted to contact him but you knew it would be a bad idea and only hurt you more.

One day your were at work, sat in your office. Your so stressed at this client saying they're unhappy with the renovation they we're given. Its day like this you hate being a manager you just need someone to come and cheer you up. Soon after getting off the phone there was a knock at you door.

"Come in." You shout.

You assistant walks in with some paper work and places on your desk, you groan at the sight. "Miss here's a letter for you." She says smiling and passing it to you.

"Thank you." You say and take it.

As your assistant leaves you begin opening the letter. You thought it was another contract that you needed to sign as it had no name from who it was from but you were wrong. You open it and see "To y/n" writen on the front. Curious you open it too see a love letter.

My mouth hasn't shut about you since you kissed it. The idea that you may kiss it again is stuck in my brain, which hasn't stopped thinking about you since, well before any kiss. And now the prospect of those kisses seem to wind me like when you slip on the stairs and one of those stairs hit you in the middle of the back. The notion of them continuing for what id traditionally terrifying forever excites me to a unfamiliar degree.

- Love Alex xx

You felt yourself tearing up as you read it, the words were so beautiful. You needed to call him, you thought. So straight away you picked up your phone and rang his number. As it was ringing the tension was building as he may not answer, but on the last rang you heard his voice.

"Hello?" He said clueless.

"Alex, it's me." You say your voice cracking trying not to cry.

"Hey love, take it you got my letter." He laughs.

you feel the tears running down your face. "Yeah, it was beautiful."

You can hear Alex giggling to himself. "Good, Maybe you wanna go out for a meal tonight and talk?"

"Yeah that sounds lovely." You say clearing away your tears.

You and Alex arranged a time and said your goodbyes. You felt ecstatic, frilled with excitement that your finally seeing him again. You needed a cute new outfit to really wow him. As soon as your shift ended you quickly went to the shopping centre to get a cute dress. You wanted something nice, elegant. Your looking through and find the most perfect red dress which outlines your body perfectly, this was the one. You proceeded to buy it and get home go get ready.

Your ready and waiting for Alex to come and pick you up. Your new dress fits perfect your just hoping he likes it. Minutes felt like hours, you were sat playing with your fingers as you heard the bell rang. You stood up and took a deep breath and walked to the door. You opened it to see Alex stood there in his normal leather jacket and sunglasses, he looked so attractive. Once he saw you he took off his glasses to admire your beauty.

"Fucking hell y/n, you look stunning." He said looking you up and down smirking.

"Don't look bad yourself Turner." You flirt.

Alex giggles at you. "Come on then." Alex said offering his arm for you to link to, you walked down your driveway laughing.

Once you arrived at the restaurant you realised Alex had surprised you to your favourite as you remembered.

"Aw Al you remembered." You turn to him and smile.

Alex just smiled at you and put his arm around you to keep you close. Things felt normal again, the whole in your heart had healed. Soon a waitress arrived and showed you to your table, once you sat yourself Alex sat opposite you.

"Y/n can i ask you something." Alex asks moving his cutlery out of his way.

"Course you can, whats up." You say putting your hands up to your face to lean on.

"How come you called so quick after reading my letter." He said gazing into your eyes.

"Because.." You paused a minute. "I miss you, i miss us." You sigh.

Alex's face changes, he looks upset as if he could cry. "I miss you too y/n." Alex puts his hands out for you to hold. When you held them back he showed a little smile. "Miss Y/n Turner." He knew you loved it when he called you that. "Would you do the pleasure of being my girlfriend?"

You smile and tear up at him, "Of course Alex. Of course i will." You say giggling.

Alex grabs your hands and kisses them. "Great, now lets get this food shall we?"

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