•roller coaster• part 2

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Alex pulled you into a hug and stroked your hair, he knew how to calm you down.
You and Alex head back to the group and you seem happier and are talking more. You manage to go on the ride and your proud of yourself, and of course you held Al's hand the whole way around.

'see dear it wasn't so bad was it?' Alex said with a smile.
'no i guess it wasn't, i guess it was fun.' you said smirking. Alex pulled you into a kiss but before your lips could touch your got interrupted


you and Alex were laughing at him you could tell he really wanted to go on the rapids so you all set off there.

hours pass and now it's 6pm and you guys are about to get on your last ride. The smiler.
'Al i'm having second thoughts.' you said biting your nails

'Listen babe it's okay you've gone on sooo much today i'm so proud plus if you do this i'll give you a treat later.' Alex says whilst looking you up and down.

When he does that not only can your not resist his touch but his eyes and how his quiff covers his eye makes you melt.

'okay handsome if you say so.' you say with a wink

10 minutes later and your off the ride
'fucking hell Matt i hate you for making us go on that.' you said laughing

'Yeah matt you own me mate my backs fucked.' said Alex pretending to hurt his back.

your all walking back to the hotel and you and Alex are walking behind flirting.
'Im a man of my word y/n you know that beautiful.'

'Al baby we are in a hotel people will hear us.' you said

'not if we're in the shower.' he shrugged at you.

you two run past the others holding hands and run to your room. The others wondered where you were at tea time but you two never showed up.

(who guessed what's happening🤷‍♀️)

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