•Best friend• am era

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You had been going out with Matt for about a year you went to his shows, to the studio, out on dates. But he also showed you to his mates. There was one of his mates who couldn't take their eyes of you but you didn't really think anything about it. Until recently, You and Matt keep arguing about stupid shit and your beginning to get sick of it.

It was a normal day and you decided to go down to the studio with Matt just so you could get out. You both arrived and you weren't speaking. You had huge argument earlier.

You walked in and sat down on the sofa. Matt walked in and sat on his drums you both looked pissed off. Matt looked at you and rolled his eyes
you gave up and walked out the room. The others looked at you then looked at Matt and Matt just shrugged shoulders.

'I'm going for a smoke before we start.' Alex says walking out.

Your just sat down on the curb playing with stones.
You heard someone walk out, you turn around to see Alex come and sit next to you.

'You alright love?' He says, he looks concerned.

'I guess, me and Matt just keep arguing.' You sigh.

Alex puts a arm around you. Your heart beats faster. Do you like him? No your with Matt that's wrong.
You decide to put your head on his shoulder. You began to sob.

'I just don't know what to do Al, I'm so done with arguing.' You sob into his arms.

'I know y/n. He's not good for you.' Alex says comforting you.

You look up into his eyes and kiss him. The kiss was so passionate and so perfect until someone ruined it..

'The actual fuck Y/n?' Matt screamed.

'Your a cunt! I'm braking up with you i'm sick of arguing all you do is make me feel shit.' You scream.
Matt actually looks upset.

The sadness then turns into anger. 'What the fuck did you say to her Alex?' He shouts at Alex

'The truth mate, I've been your best mate for years but you can treat girls like this.' Alex says pulling you into him.

'Well then good job i was seeing this other girl wasn't it? You can have her she's useless anyway.' He shouts and begins to walk to his car.

Your just sat there gobsmacked yet tears were running down your face.

'Y/n? you okay? Y/n answer me!' Alex says shaking you.

You don't answer you just sit there shocked. Alex is trying to get through to you but it doesn't work.

'cmon y/n let's go in inside love.' Alex says picking you up and walking you in. You get in and Alex places you on the sofa.

'Wheres Matt?' Nick asks

'Gone.' Alex said getting you a glass of water.

'Why?' Jamie asks.

'Fucking broke up with y/n.' Alex scoffed

'Fucking hell, how come?' They both ask

'Come other here leave y/n alone for a minute and i'll tell ya.' Alex says walking into another room.

About 5 minutes later they walk back in.

'I hope your alight y/n.' They say comforting you.

You just nod.


Alex decided to give you a lift home to make sure you got back okay.

'Y/n i know it's soon but i need tell you this. I've liked you for the past year, first time i ever saw you that's why i always looked at you.' Alex said he shot you a nervous look.

'Alex i've felt the same to be honest. Matts always gave bad vibes.' You smile at Alex

Alex just forced his lips to yours and it all ended perfectly.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang