•baby boy•

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You are 7 months pregnant with yours and Alex's baby. Your both designing the baby's room together whilst Alex is off touring.

'i can't believe we are having a baby boy darling.' said alex whilst making the crib.

'i know you responded. I never really saw us doing this to be honest but i couldn't see me with anyone else aha.' you said

'ah gorg i know, bet your having a good time watching me ey?' said Alex laughing.

1 month later (you are 8 and a half months)
you and Alex are sat down on the sofa cuddling and listening to the baby kick.

'What are we thinking of calling him ey babe?' you say.

'Alex Turner jr ofc baby?' Alex says

'oh god no couldn't think of anything worse.' you laugh

'okay serous now what about: matthew, louis, oakley?' Alex suggests

'oh they are acc cute you know, maybe!' you say

' i don't want him have me nose tho, he can 'ave me jawline but not me nose' Alex says looking at you in the eyes

'Whyyyy i want him look just like youu!I love your nose it's cute i don't get why you don't like it to be honest with you Al, I want him be a mini Al.' you giggle

'gosh no' you both laugh but as your laughing y/n fells this pain

'FUCK' you yell, 'AL GET THE HOSPITSL BAGS BABE I THINK MY WATERS BROKE!' you stand up and see a puddle on the sofa.


your just taking deep breaths and trying to stay calm whilst waddling over to the shoes.

You and Alex are now in the car. Alex is not talking and focusing on the road. You can see in his eyes he's nervous.

'i know you can't talk right now handsome but your going to be a good dad i promise you, FUCK ME' you screaming as your rowing to him. you see him side eye you and give you a smile to check if your okay. You give him a half smile back.

Your finally at the hospital and your shrieking in pain, Alex is helping you out the car and into a wheelchair with your bag ok the back and hurry's you into the hospital.

'hiya erm my wife's in labour, Her name is Mrs y/n Turner, Thank you.' alex said to the receptionist.

'Al baby we aren't even married yet,' you questioned

'yeah princess you said yet.' he said with a grin on his face. You grinned in exitement but just as you were enjoying the moment you got another contraction just as you entered your labour room

'FUCKING HELL, SORRY!' you screamed. the nurses and Alex assured it was okay and that it's wa morally and you were all laughing.

They got you up onto the bed and got you changed Alex held your hand the whole way through this.

'i'm so proud of you darling and just remember we get meet out little baby boy after this it's all for a good reason!' Alex assured.

'Thank you Handsome i cant wait to become parents it's so exiting yet i'm scared.' you said, you've been given medication for the pain

'i known dear but we've just got to learn havent we? There're will be good things and bad things but we will be okay right? we have eachot-.' just as Alex was about to finish his sentence you squoze his hand because of a contraction.

'hello Mrs Turner, let's see how far along you are shall we, my gosh you are 10 cm dialated that means we can push!' you and Alex shot a look at eachother of fear.

'Don't worry darling i'm here with you okay and just remember we meet out baby boy!' alex said calming you down also the thought of being called Mrs Turner helped.

'okay Mrs Turner. 1,2,3, PUSH!' the nurse said
You squoze Alexs hand as you screamed
'1,2,3, PUSH!' the nurse repeated this carried on for about 5 pushes. 'Come on Mrs Turner i see the head ONE last push!'

'Come on gorgeous once more until our baby boy is here.' he reminded you.
'1,2,3, PUSH!'

You hear cry's and look down at your baby boy, you start crying out of joy!
'Mr Turner if you'd like to come and cut the umbilical cord!' the nurse said.
'Oh?' Alex looked at you, you nodded and smiled 'okay then.' You got to see your handsome boyfriend meet his son for the first time. You've never been so happy

'here you go Mrs Turner, Your baby boy!' the nurse handed your son to you.
'hey little man, awh your so handsome!' you gushed

'well don't beautiful i'm so proud of you Mrs Turner.' said Alex kissing your forehead.

the nurse had left the room and left you and Alex to meet your new baby .

'he's got your nose Al.' you said laufhing

'fucking hell, oi at least he's got me jawline.' always chuckled

you and Alex shared a kiss and were the happiest couple ever.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now