•new years• sias era

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It was new year's eve and you were invited round to Matts house for a party. You were stood talking with Nick and kept seeing Alex stare at you. For some reason he looked jealous.

'Nick how come Alex keeps looking at us?' You question.

'No clue he's been off it ever since you got here.' He shrugged and took a sip of his drink.

You just turned back to Alex who was talking to someone now. You were so confused, To be honest you had liked him for about 2 years.

Now it's was about 11:55 pm, you'd had a lot of drinks and was tipsy so you decided to sit out on the balcony. Once you walked out you saw Alex leaning over the edge just watching cars go past. He looked upset and as you had some drinks you built up some confidence to talk to him.

'Al?' He turns around at you, he's got a tear on his face. 'Are you okay?' You begin to get worried.

'Oh yeah i'm fine y/n, don't worry.' He said wiping his face.

'No Alex please i can help.' You put your hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly he turns around and hugs you. 'It's because of Alexa, I can't believe she left me y/n.' He sobbed into your shoulder.

'It's okay Al, i'm here for you.' You reassure.

You hear loud noisies coming from the living room. 'Someone turn it on! It's in two minutes!' somone shouts.

'Y/n, i want you to know something.' He saying pulling away and looking into your eyes. 'When me and Alexa were going out we were close and i miss it and to be honest i've developed feelings for you but i'm not sure if you feel the same way. I'm sorry i just needed to tell you.' He said and looked at the ground.

'10, 9, 8.'

'Al please.' You pleaded

'7, 6, 5'

'I'm sorry y/n i just needed to tell you.' he said


You grabbed Alexs face and kissed him.

'1! Happy new year.' Everyone was shouting and screaming but you didn't care you finally showed you love for Alex.

He pulled away. 'Shit i'm sorry Al i didn't think.' You felt ashamed.

He just smiled and kissed you again. You tounges dancing in eachothers mouths. You both pulled away and you put your head on Alex's shoulder and began laughing.

'Why you laughing.' He said giggling at you.

'I'm not sure.' He said looking at him. Him grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours.

'Y/n would you want to go out for tea tomorrow night?' He questioned with a nervous expression

'asking me on a date Turner?' You joked

'Erm no... We'll yeah.' He blushed.

'That sounds wonderful Alex.' You smile.

He smiles back and pulls you into a big hug. 'Happy new year y/n.'

'Happy new year Al.'

Sorry it's short running of ideas! x

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن