debut singer (sias era)

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You were a upcoming singer you had released a few singles and decided to turn it into a album as people loved it but you needed some more songs to add. You loved the Arctic Monkeys and ironically had the same manager. One day your manger gave you a call.


"Helly y/n?" Your manger said quickly.

"Yeah whats up?" You asked.

"This is very last minute but i think would me ace, Alex has offered to come and help you write some songs." He said very fast.

"Alex..?" You questioned.

"Alex Turner! But he'd have to start coming round tonight we need this album to be done as soon as possible y/n." He groaned.

"Really?" you said surprised. "Alright send him my address." You answer.

"Cheers love, tra." Your manager said and ended the call.

The Alex Turner was coming round your house. You thought, you need to clean.


Youve finally cleaned and made yourself look slightly more presentable, and you heard a knock on the door. You hears beating as you go to answer it. Deep breaths, you thought as you opened the door.

"Hey y/n." He said looking up and smiling at you.

"Hey, Come in." You said moving over so he could walk in. He gave you a small smile as walked over and sat down on the sofa.

"Can i get you a drink?" you question.

"Tea please." He smiled.

Soon after you walk back in with his tea and place it on the coffee table, and sit down next to him.

"So y/n, what have you been thinking for this new album?" Alex asked.

"Im not sure. Ive already got a few singles which are going on in just need to fill the gaps." You say having a sip of your tea.

"Okay, ive got some ideas in mind." Alex said and lifted sunglasses of his head.

You and Alex are sat writing, practicing new songs until it was about 6pm.

"How is it 6pm already? Its flown." You laugh.

"Times flys with me love." Alex smirks back.
You felt a knot grow in your stomach as if you felt a connection between you.

"Same time tomorrow?" Alex shrugged. This threw you off, you thought it was a one time thing.

"Yeah sounds great." You smile.

Alex stands us and walks towards the door to get it coat, he turned around to you and smiled.

"Its been good, cya tomorrow love." He said and closed the door. You stood there a second to just figure out what was happening and as you turned around you heard your letter box go. You spun back around to see a piece of paper floating to the floor. You go down and pick it up and its Alex's number with a note on the side.

- call me about what time you want me coming round tomorrow, - Alex. -

This made you smile. He obviously enjoyed your company or he wouldn't want to come again. You felt like a little kid again all jumpy and giggly.


12pm saturday, You were ready and waiting for Alex to arrive so you were watching some live performances that the Arctic Monkeys did to see what your tour could be like and if you could get any pointers from Alex. Soon after there was a knock on the door. You turned off the TV and went to go and let him in.

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now