Do me a favour (fwn, pt2)

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You walked out of Matts house in a state, Being in the same room as Alex at the minute was to much. You sat in your car and cried, tears were on steering wheel dripping on the seats you needed to go home.

a few months later

You had finally got over yours and Alex's brake up, It was hard but you did it. and the new album Alex had been writing released. You remembered going to the studio with him to hear them being wrote but there was a song that you hadn't heard before. You looked and it was called 'Do me a favour.' As you heard the rest of the songs you decided to the others you put it on. When you listened to it you realised something, you hadn't heard as Alex wrote it after you broke up. You looked at the lyrics and it was you said when you broke up with him 'Do me a favour and ask if you need some help, Do me a favour and stop flattering yourself." You said all of this.

In some way it was sweet, he wrote a song about you but also infuriating as its your words. You decided you needed to speak to him. You got into your car and drove to his house. Once you arrived you pulled up to the driveway you got out your car and knocked on the door.

Alex answered and looked shocked to see you. "Oh, Y/n wasn't expecting you."

"We need to talk." You say frustrated.

"Sure come in." Alex said opening the door more. You walked in and sat on the sofa, looking around you saw that Alex hadn't took the pictures of you and him down which made you tear up.

"Whats up?" Alex said sitting next to you.

"The song, Do me a favour?" You said turning to him.

"Yeah? I wrote it about you." Alex said looking at the floor.

"Al i don't know what to say, I finally got over us and how you cheated on me then i hear that if you loved me that much you wouldn't of cheated on me." You say as you begin crying

"I was drunk Y/n, And I'm gonna be honest i was also off my head." He sounded disappointed.

This took you by surprise you never thought Alex would do anything like that. "Al.. What?"

"I wasn't thinking if i was sober i wouldn't of done it even the boys said that." He says and tears up. "I'm missing you so much y/n your the only person who kept me going i feel so lonely with out you."

You miss him too, you thought but he cheated on you. "But Al you cheated on me if i take you back you might do it again."

"No, no i wouldn't ill sober up for you I just need you Y/n please." Alex begged. "Just please come back." He said crying.

It broke your heart when he cried. "Fine, One slip though Alex and i cant this situation hurt me so bad in many ways." you say.

"Thank you y/n, Thank you so much I promise it wont happen again. Next tour you can even come with me to make sure it doesn't just please don't leave me again." He says jumping into your arms.

"I'd love that Al." You say playing with his hair. 

The fwn tour begins and as Alex said you joined him and it was ace, the music, parties everything about it was amazing and the whole time he was all over you he seemed so happy and the whole tour he stayed sober. You loved him and truth be told you never stopped.

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