•"me or him y/n"• eycte era

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You and Alex broke up now about 7 months ago. You saw that he moved on so you did too, You developed a crush on his best friend Miles. You and Miles had been going out about 3 months and everything was so good. The last shadow puppets new album was out now so you were on tour with Miles. Unluckily Alex was there but you had to live by it for Miles.

'Have a good show mylove.' You say giving Miles a hug and kiss.

'Thank you darling i will.' He says kissing you back and walking on stage.

Alex just walked passed you shoving his shoulder into yours, god you hated that man. Sometiems you do miss him though he treated you well but your with Miles now that shouldn't matter should it?
Anyway the show went great and you had such a good time. Halfway through Alex's girlfriend Louise turned up which hurt abit but you had to forget it.

Once the boys came off stage you ran to Miles and hugged him tight. 'You did so good baby!' You screamed at him.

'Thank you darling.' He kissed you. You turned around to see Alex looking at you both, he was clearly jealous yet he had his arm around louise.

' right then who wants drinks?' Alex questions. Everyone agrees and you walk backstage into the dressing room. Alex stood up and got some vodka and martinis and you all sat down and began to talk.
About a hour later you all were drunk yet when you looked at Alex you felt sober. He wouldn't stop looking at you.

'Right me and y/n are going back to the hotel cya later.' Miles says.

'Oi wait we will all get in a cab together.' Alex says. So you all get in the taxi together but Miles was in the front leaving you, Alex, and louise in the back. Louise kept holding onto Alex but he kept moving his hand away.

You all got back to your rooms and said goodnight. But when you got in Miles was acting different. You accidentally spilt a drink when walking in.

'Fuck sake y/n!' he shouted

'It's only a drink mi?' You began to get pissed off.

'It doesn't fucking matter! You've ruined the floor and it's up the walls we are going to have to pay now.' He screamed.

Him shouting at you really hurt this never happened so you were scared.

'I'm sor-.' You couldn't finish your sentence as he cut you off.

'You know what y/n i've been thinking about it and maybe it's all too soon and we aren't made for each other.' He said looking at you with such rage.

You began to tear up but before you could say anything there was a knock at the door. Probably the room next door asking for you to be quiet. You went and opened the door and it was Alex.

'Me or him y/n?' She demanded. He'd clearly been crying his eyes were read.

'What?' You stumbled. You turned around and miles was stood there.

'Me or him y/n.' Miles said from behind you. Now you had both of them asking, Who do you pick.

'Alex what do you mean?' Your confused on why he's asking.

'I broke up with louise y/n.' He said looking at the ground. Your shocked.

'I still have feelings for you.' He said but he sounded sad about it. You turn to Miles who was even struggling to stand up.

'I'm gonna ask one more time y/n, Me or him.' This time he looks more serious though.

You give Miles a look and ran to Alex hugging him. Alex sighed in relief ash he cried on your shoulder. You could clearly tell he was never drunk at all.

'I was gonna brake up with you anyway, i've liked louise all along.' Said Miles braking the mood.

'All yours mate.' Alex said hugging you again.

To be honest you missed him and never stopped liking him nothing was the same but now it. It was because you had him back.

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