ex lovers (smut) long shot

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8 months had passed since you and Alex broke up.
You can't stop thinking about him, you see him everywhere and wish you were with him again. Craving his touch and how he feels in you.

he broke up with you to focus on his music but you think it's because he found another girl. You still keep in touch with matt and the others but not Alex for obvious reasons. Your sat in your bed and decide to text matt


hi matt it's y/n i just wanted
to message check up on you
all ik it's random but please
come round i need to talk to
you. 12:43 am

hey y/n im on my way rn. 12:48 am

you knew you had to tell matt how you felt about alex you were sick of hiding it.

10 minutes later matt was sat on your sofa
'so y/n what's wrong duck' he said confused

'okay this might sound abit weird but i still have feelings for Alex and i'm he doesn't like me back but i really miss him everything's been so hard without him and i see him everywhere i can't cope anymore.'
you said braking down

'awh y/n i'm going to let you in on a little secret okay? Alex feels the same way and he's said countless times about you and i know you thought there was another women but there wasn't Al was in a bad time but he's better now and if you give him a ring he might be up for it w?' matt said

this made your heart skip a beat. 'okay, i'm going to call him now!'

you dial his number.. He answers....
'hello.. erm Al, It's y/n and i know it's out of the blue but i've been wondering if you want to come around right now?' muffles are coming from the phone and matts trying to listen. 'okay cya soon bye, bye.' you hang up.

'sooooo?' matt says smiling.

'sooo you need to leave cus he's on his way!' you said blushing

'omg that's awesome i'm gonna go!' he said leaving

your immediately start running around your house cleaning you decide to wear your bra and loose pjs bottoms with your hair down. And then you head it...
he's here

you walk to the door and open it. Hes stood there wet hair drooping down his face, his brown eyes inviting you in, just standing there staring at your beauty.
'oh erm wow, hi y/n i think we need to talk ey?' he said

'hi Al, i think we do come in, sit down and dry off i'll get you a drink ey? i'll get your favourite?' you suggest.

he just nods his head and walks over to your sofa and sits down not saying anything to you. Eventually you walk over and sit down next to him passing the drink. he takes it and downs it in one.

'so Al, i know this is very random and stuff but i've really missed you lately and can't get you out of my mind i don't mind you don't feel the same way but...'

'i love you....' you both say at the same time

you look into eachothers eyes and just kiss. Times frozen your heartbeats are beating in time. You both pull away

'shit i'm so sorry y/n i don't know what came over me, i'll just go this was a mistake.' he got up and started walking to the door.

you tan to the door to block him. 'wait Al please, it wasn't a mistake. I need you and i know you need me
and i'm sorry i said there was another women i didn't know what was happening i wish you would of told me.' you said tearing up.

'oh y/n when you look at me like that i can't resist you.' he says looking at your tits. He pulls you in and kisses you. you feel like the happiest girl the there

you lead him to your bedroom and and you lay down. He takes his top off and trousers so he's just in his boxers and leans over you.

'gosh this hasn't happed for awhile has it.' he chuckled. You nod and laugh

you take his hand and guide them to your waist band. He takes off your pajama bottoms. You are both half naked infront of one another just admiring.You take Alex's hand and guide it. down your pants, he takes the hint and carries on without you. he starts fingering you making your legs shake and you moan as he's doing this he's leaving hickeys all over your neck and breasts.

'Alex just do it already.' you gasp. He looks at you his hair i don't of his eyes and smiles. He takes off his boxers and your pants and hops on top
of you. He's penetrating you so hard your both loving it. You've missed the feeling of each other your enjoying every minute your progressively getting getting faster and the moans loader. Your pretty sure the whole apartment block can hear but you don't care you just keep going.

for a second you see his hair moving on his forehead as he's grinding in you, you find it so attractive. Them you feel him cum in you. he collapses on you and your both panting

'god darlin i fucking misses you, you know.' he gasped

'oh i know baby.' your panting back

'so what you say Mrs Turner ready for round two?'

you blush at the sound of 'Mrs Turner' and nod aggressively.

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