Chapter 35 - Escort (5)

Start from the beginning

Though it might not be the case right now, Phiri might be seeing a few steps ahead.

I was somewhat impressed.

To deduce that much from limited information, it was no wonder she became vice leader.

Perhaps I was too fixated on the game’s information and needed to think more flexibly.

“Of course, it’s possible that the crazy devil worshipers suddenly appeared.”

“I think you’re right, vice-leader.”

Phiri admitted, taking my words more seriously than I expected.

Phiri nodded.

“Anyway, it’s not entirely impossible. Let’s consider multiple possibilities for now…”

She looked at me seriously.

“Let’s keep what you reported to me a secret.”

“Is that okay?”

“Sure, after all, I am the vice leader. Pretend to come back to me and report in two days. You can say that you remembered something crucial while passing by during a critical situation.”

“Wouldn’t that lack persuasiveness?”

“If I also mention something similar happening during combat, it’ll be fine.”

Although Phiri said it casually, it was evident that she was saying this out of genuine concern for me.

I felt truly touched.

“Thank you.”

“It’s alright.”

Phiri yawned as she stretched and settled back into the bed.

“Now, is there anything else to discuss?”

“…What will happen to me? Will I be assigned somewhere else?”

I still hadn’t heard an answer about my future. Being reassigned would be a big problem.

Phiri lifted the corner of her mouth in response to my question.

“Why? How would you like it to be?”

“Does it depend on my words?”

“Well, it could, and it couldn’t.”

“I hope to stay in the Empire.”

I couldn’t tell if Phiri’s words were genuine or not. It seemed like she wanted me to stay, but…

I couldn’t easily reveal my thoughts to a superior. Phiri’s smile deepened.

“Do you not want to be separated from me?”

“It’s not that… I mean, it’s not like that, but I’m here since I wanted to be in the Empire.”

Phiri chuckled softly.

“If you’re going to flatter, do it properly.”

“I apologize.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll be with me. Perhaps wait a bit and then return to the capital. You might receive a different mission.”

I inwardly sighed with relief. Hearing it verbally put my mind at ease.

A few days later, we received a message from the Empire’s capital.

It wasn’t about returning; it was a new mission.

Orders were given to disperse and scatter the personnel here, including us.

How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game 🏳️Where stories live. Discover now