Chapter 51: Resentment

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Eleanor and Aiden stood in the middle of their once peaceful living room, their voices filling the space with anger and resentment.

The air crackled with tension as their heated argument escalated to a boiling point.

Aiden smashed the vase on the ground, "Did you poison me, Eleanor? Is that how you made me fall for you? It's the only explanation for why I ever ended up with someone like you! I saw what you did! General Matt told me you went to Mr. Nelson and you know how he is!"

Eleanor's eyes widened, her voice desperate and filled with disbelief.

"Aiden, no! How can you even suggest such a thing? I would never do something like that. I love you!"

Aiden's face twisted with rage, his frustration boiling over. He grabbed a nearby glass and hurled it across the room, the sound of shattering glass punctuating his words.

"Love? You think this is love? You forced me into this marriage, Eleanor! I never wanted to be with you, but you manipulated and schemed your way into my life!"

Eleanor recoiled, her eyes welling up with tears as she struggled to defend herself.

"That's not true, Aiden! I would never force you into anything. We chose to be together, to build a life together!"

Aiden's anger intensified, and he stormed towards her, his voice filled with venomous accusation.

"You've taken away my choices! I can't do anything anymore because I'm already married to you! You've trapped me, Eleanor!"

Eleanor's face contorted with a mix of pain and frustration, her voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and defiance.

'I never wanted to trap you, Aiden. I thought we had something real, something worth fighting for. But if you feel this way, maybe it's better if we face the truth."

Aiden's anger momentarily subsided as he looked into Eleanor's tear-streaked face, confusion crossing his features.

"What truth?"

Eleanor's voice cracked with vulnerability as she spoke, her words laced with a painful resignation.

"The truth that we are both responsible for the state of our relationship. We've hurt each other, Aiden. Maybe it's time we face the reality that we can't fix what's broken."

Aiden's anger continued to escalate, his voice filled with rage as he unleashed his frustrations upon Eleanor.

His words were sharp and cutting, each one aimed at breaking her spirit.

Eleanor stops crying and starts laughing.

Aiden yelled, "You think you've won, don't you? Laughing, like this is all some sick joke! Well, I've had enough of your games, Eleanor!"

Eleanor, her tears drying on her cheeks, looked at Aiden with strength, her voice steady and composed.

"Aiden, I've endured your anger and accusations for far too long. But I won't let your words define me anymore. You can yell and scream all you want, but it won't change the truth."

Aiden's face contorted with disbelief, his voice rising to a crescendo.

"You think I can't do anything about it? You think you have all the power? Well, watch me!"

In his fury, Aiden began throwing objects around the room, his actions fueled by a desperate need to regain control. But Eleanor stood there, her composure unyielding.

Eleanor sighs, "Go ahead, Aiden. Throw your tantrum. Break everything you want. But it won't change the fact that you can't control me, no matter how hard you try."

Aiden's anger wavered for a moment, confusion replacing his rage.

"What do you mean?"

Eleanor's laughter filled the room, a mix of defiance and liberation.

"I mean, Aiden, that you can't control someone who's already free. I've realized that I don't need your validation or approval. I have my own power, and you can't take that away from me. You can't do anything anymore because you are married to me and we have a child now" She laughed like a maniac.

Aiden's face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration, his voice trembling.

Aiden growled through gritted teeth, "You think you're so strong, don't you? But you're just deluding yourself. You'll see how much power I have."

Eleanor's laughter faded, replaced by a steely determination.

"Aiden, I may not be able to control your actions, but I can control my own. And I choose to walk away from this toxic dynamic. You can't make me doubt myself anymore."

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