Chapter 38: Wealth

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I had a conversation with General Matt, who shared some exciting news. He told me that my father, Eugene, had accumulated a wealth of 100 percent, all in my name.

Overwhelmed with happiness, I burst into laughter, realizing that my financial stability is now secure for life.

Following this joyful revelation, I couldn't help but feel grateful and excited for the opportunities this newfound wealth would bring.

I imagined the possibilities, such as being able to help those in need, pursuing my dreams, and ensuring a comfortable life for my husband and child.

One day, I decided to utilize my newfound wealth to settle my debt with Nelson, who had helped me procure some expensive potions.

After clearing the debt, I indulged in shopping sprees for myself, acquiring an array of clothes and luxurious items.

In my wickedness, I also purchased a magnificent mansion, fully intending to enjoy my wealth to the fullest.

I stared at the lavish items surrounding me, the result of my reckless spending and indulgence.

Money had always been a source of power and excitement for me, but lately, it had become a destructive force.

I had lost sight of its true value, using it to fuel my desires without thought for the consequences.

I reveled in the power that money afforded me, always believing that my desires were to be fulfilled without question. The world was my playground, and I demanded that it bend to my will.

One day in my bedroom, Aiden approached me with a furrowed brow and a resolute expression.

His voice carried a hint of frustration as he confronted me about my reckless spending.

But I brushed off his concerns, convinced that my desires were paramount.

"Aiden, you simply don't understand," I retorted dismissively, my voice laced with arrogance. "I've worked hard for this wealth, and I have every right to enjoy it as I please. It's my life, my money, and my decisions."

His eyes locked with mine, a mix of disappointment and concern swirling within them. "Eleanor, I understand that you've earned your wealth," he replied, his voice tinged with exasperation. "But there are consequences to your actions. Your reckless spending affects not only you but also those around you."

I waved his words aside, unwilling to acknowledge any potential negative impact. "Consequences? Please, Aiden, that's just a feeble attempt to control me," I scoffed, my voice dripping with defiance. "I refuse to be bound by mundane limitations. I am meant for grandeur and extravagance."

Aiden's patience began to wear thin, frustration creeping into his tone. "It's not about control, Eleanor," he stressed, his voice firm. "It's about responsibility and understanding the ripple effects of your choices. You have the power to make a positive impact, but you're squandering it."

I crossed my arms stubbornly, "I've heard enough," I declared, my voice cold and unwavering. "I will continue to live life on my terms, indulging in the luxuries and pleasures that money can provide. If you can't accept that, then perhaps we should reconsider our association."

Aiden's face fell, disappointment etched across his features.

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