Chapter 47: Come Back

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Time Check, 3:00am.

Astrid and Thomas jolted awake as the sound of loud banging echoed through the small shelter.

Thomas quickly scrambled to put on his clothes, his heart racing with fear and anticipation. Astrid, however, grabbed his arm, her eyes wide with concern.

'Thomas, don't. If you look, you might get hurt. We need to stay hidden."

Thomas tried to pull away, wanting to see who was at the door, but Astrid's grip tightened, her voice pleading.

"Please, Thomas. Trust me. We have to be careful."

Reluctantly, Thomas nodded and moved closer to Astrid, his heart pounding in his chest.

The banging on the door grew louder, accompanied by a voice that sent shivers down their spines.

"I know you're there! Eleanor told me where you're hiding. I am not stupid!' Matt yelled.

Thomas and Astrid exchanged horrified glances, their minds racing to comprehend how Eleanor could have known their secret location. Astrid's voice quivered as she whispered her question.

"How did Eleanor know our hiding place?"

Thomas shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Because this is where Eleanor and I hid during the war, she told them"


Eleanor sat in a comfortable chair, cradling her infant in her arms as she breastfed. The room was peaceful, the soft sounds of her child's feeding creating a serene atmosphere.

Suddenly, a loud knock broke the tranquility, causing Eleanor to startle. She gently placed the baby in a nearby crib and made her way to the door.

Eleanor opened the door to find General Matt standing there, his expression determined.

Annoyance flashed across her face as she crossed her arms, clearly unimpressed by his presence.

"What do you want, General Matt? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Eleanor, I need to know where Astrid is. It's urgent."

Eleanor's annoyance deepened, her frustration evident in her voice.

"You people keep looking for Astrid. First, Thomas claimed you were holding her captive. Now, you're here searching for her? What game are you playing?"

"Eleanor, I assure you, there has been a misunderstanding. We need to find Astrid for her safety. We believe she's in danger."

Eleanor's eyes narrowed, suspicion coloring her tone.

"And why should I believe you? How can I trust that you're not the one putting her in danger?"

"Eleanor, I understand your concerns, but I swear to you, I have no ill intentions towards Astrid. We need to protect her. She may hold vital information that can help us unravel a dangerous conspiracy."

Eleanor stood at her doorstep, her irritation evident, as General Matt expressed that Astrid had run away with Thomas.

She couldn't help but mock his statement, feeling a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"Oh really? Astrid ran away with Thomas? How cliché. Are they off on some romantic adventure together?"

"Eleanor, this is serious. We need to find them. Lives are at stake."

Eleanor rolled her eyes, about to dismiss his concerns, when words slipped from her lips without intention.

"Well, if they've gone into hiding, they might be at Thomas' old shelter in the rice fields near the national cemetery, thats where Thomas and I stayed during the war. But I doubt they'd be that foolish."

General Matt's eyes widened, a flicker of realization crossing his face.

Without another word, General Matt turned on his heel and swiftly left Eleanor's house, accompanied by his guards.

Eleanor watched them go, confusion clouding her expression.


Outside Thomas' shelter, General Matt stood with a group of armed individuals, their expressions hardened and determined.

He banged on the door, his voice filled with authority and urgency.


Thomas cautiously approached the door, peering through a small crack.

Fear gripped his heart as he saw the number of armed individuals gathered outside.

He quickly realized the gravity of the situation.

Thomas turns to Astrid and whispered urgently, "We need to think quickly. They outnumber us, and they're armed. We can't fight them all."

Astrid's eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling with fear.

"No Thomas! I won't leave you. We have to stay together. We'll find a way to escape, but not without each other."

Thomas desperately tried to convince her, his voice filled with both concern and determination.

"Astrid, listen to me. They won't harm you if you hide. But if they catch both of us, they'll never let us go. I need you to lock yourself in the cabinet. It's the only way to keep you safe."

Astrid's cries intensified as she clung to Thomas, their tear-stained faces reflecting the anguish of their situation.

"I can't, Thomas! I can't leave you behind. We promised to face everything together. I can't lose you."

Thomas held her tightly, his own tears streaming down his face. The weight of their love and the impossible choices they faced bore down on them.

"Astrid, I love you more than anything. Please trust me in this moment. I will find a way to keep us safe. But right now, you need to hide. Please, for both of us. I can just talk him out."

As Astrid continued to cry, her face buried in Thomas' shirt, he could feel his heart breaking with every tear that fell from her eyes.

His voice trembled as he pleaded with her, his own tears mingling with hers.

"Astrid, I love you so much. Please, trust me. I promise I'll find a way back to you. Just go, hide in the cabinet. Stay safe."

With a heavy heart, Thomas gently pulled Astrid away from him and guided her towards the cabinet. She resisted, her grip on him tightening.

"No, Thomas, please. I can't bear to be without you. I can't leave you alone."

Thomas's voice choked with emotion as he whispered his final words, his hands cradling her tear-streaked face.

"I know it's hard, my love. But we don't have a choice right now. Please, for both of us, hide and stay safe. I promise I'll come back to you. I love you, Astrid.'

With a final, tender kiss on her forehead, Thomas gently pushed Astrid into the cabinet.

He closed the door, his heart shattering as he heard her sobs from within.

The door to the shelter splintered under the force of another loud kick, and General Matt burst in, his face filled with rage.

He grabbed hold of Thomas, overpowering him with ease.

The guards surrounded them, their presence an intimidating reminder of the dire circumstances.

"Thomas, you thought you could hide forever? Your time is up. Astrid will be found, and you will pay for your actions."

Thomas locked eyes with General Matt, a mixture of defiance and determination in his gaze.

With that, Thomas was dragged away, his fate uncertain. Astrid's cries echoed in his mind as he was taken further from her.

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