Chapter 14: Heartbreak

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A solemn procession of mourners makes their way through the cemetery, their steps heavy with grief.

The air is filled with a sense of loss and reverence as they gather to bid farewell to the fallen soldiers.

The sound of distant bugles playing a mournful tune echoes through the somber atmosphere.

Rows upon rows of graves stretch out before them, a stark reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of duty and honor.

Each tombstone stands as a proof to lives cut short, to dreams left unfulfilled.


I stand frozen in my bedroom, the weight of the letter in my hands becoming unbearable.

The room feels suffocating, the air heavy with regret. I know that within this delicate envelope lies news that will forever haunt me.

With trembling hands, I open the letter, my heart pounding in my chest.

As the words blur through my tear-filled eyes, I read the devastating news - my father, Eugene, has passed away.

In that moment, a wave of remorse crashes over me, consuming every inch of my being.

"No..." I whisper, my voice barely audible. The weight of my previous words, the harshness I had unleashed upon him, now feels like an unbearable burden.

How could I have known this would be the last conversation we would ever have?

As the reality sinks in, my grief intensifies. I sink to my knees, clutching the letter against my chest, and the sobs wrack my body uncontrollably.

I cry not only for the loss of my father but also for the words left unsaid, for the reconciliation that will never come to pass.

Regret engulfs me, consuming my thoughts, as I recall the heated argument that had led to those fateful words.

I had lashed out, fueled by anger and frustration, telling him I hoped he would never return.

Now, I would give anything to take back those words, to have one more chance to tell him how much I truly loved him.

Crying harder, I collapse onto the bed, the weight of my remorse pressing down on me. I yearn for a chance to make amends, but it is too late.

The room around me seems to close in, suffocating me with the weight of my guilt.

The tears flow relentlessly as I let my remorse wash over me, the pain becoming almost unbearable.

In my anguish, I stumble towards the nearest table, knocking over vases and trinkets that once held cherished memories.

With each crash and shatter, my pain intensifies, and I release a torrent of emotions that have been building within me.

I throw myself again onto the bed, my sobs becoming uncontrollable. The sheets wrap around me, offering a small comfort in this sea of despair.

I let out anguished cries, my voice echoing through the room, as if trying to reach my father wherever he may be.

I woke up to the sound of Aiden's voice, filled with urgency and concern.

As my groggy eyes adjusted to the room, I saw him standing by my bed, his hands reaching out to grab mine.

His eyes were wide, and I could tell he had seen something that alarmed him.

"Eleanor, you're hurting yourself," he said, his voice gentle yet insistent. "I need to help you up."

I tried to pull away, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and embarrassment. I didn't want him to see the scars I had inflicted upon myself.

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