Chapter 62: Scandal

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The somber news of Emperor Randolf's father's passing had cast a shadow over the kingdom, yet the time had come to prepare for the coronation of the young prince.

Servants scurried around, attending to their tasks with a mixture of grief and tension.

In one of the lavishly decorated rooms, a team of maids stood before a full-length mirror, their attention focused on Alice.

Alice was to be styled and dressed in delicate fabrics befitting the occasion. However, Alice's mood seemed to match the somber atmosphere outside.

As the maids fussed over her, trying to tame her unruly hair and select the perfect gown, Alice's patience wore thin.

She stomped her foot and crossed her arms, refusing to cooperate. Her face scrunched up in a pout, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The maids exchanged exasperated glances, their own emotions frayed from the recent events.

"Enough, Alice!" one of the maids finally exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. "You must understand the importance of this day. The kingdom mourns, and it's crucial that you present yourself with grace and dignity. Your mother needs you now more than ever."

In the midst of the chaos, Alice, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, let out a blood-curdling scream.

The maids, who had seen their fair share of tantrums, quickly stepped in to restore order.

Their voices raised, they warned the young girl, "Don't make a scene, or we'll have to take you somewhere and you'll never be seen again!"

Their words, though meant to scare her into silence, only served to heighten little Alice's fear and confusion.

Meanwhile, in another room, Eleanor sat on the cold, hard floor, her body drenched in tears that seemed to mirror the sorrow in her heart.

Her love for Aiden, the man she had once shared her life with, was as deep as the ocean, but it felt as though she was drowning in the pain of their broken relationship.

A few moments later, the grand palace is filled with golden objects and magnificent stained glass windows. The air is filled with excitement as the heavenly coronation of Emperor Randolf and Empress Natalya is about to take place. The throne room is packed with dignitaries, nobles, and commoners, all dressed in their finest attire.

Among the audience stands Alice, fidgeting with boredom. Her eyes wander around the grand hall, her attention captured by the colorful mosaics on the walls. She tugs at her frilly gown, clearly uninterested in the regal proceedings.

"I wish something exciting would happen. This is so boring!"

Alice's voice carries to the nearby maids, who exchange disapproving glances.

"Alice! You must behave yourself. This is a momentous occasion!"

"Indeed. Show some respect for the new Emperor and Empress."

Alice rolls her eyes and lets out an audible sigh, causing a few heads to turn in her direction. Whispers ripple through the crowd, and some people start to speculate about the source of her rudeness.

A noblewoman sighs, "Did you see the way that child behaved? She clearly takes after her mother, Eleanor."

A nobleman nods, "Yes, Eleanor does have a rather impertinent manner. It seems her daughter has inherited it."

Alice overhears the conversation, her frustration mounting. She crosses her arms and pouts, feeling unfairly judged by the adults around her.

Alice's patience wears thin, and she can no longer contain her frustration. Without warning, she throws a tantrum, kicking her feet and wailing loudly.

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