Chapter 29: The Baby

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As I walked into the room, the glow of the moon spilled through the window, showing a gentle light upon Eleanor's sleeping form.

My heart swelled with love and adoration as I gazed upon her, her belly rounded with the precious life we had created together.

The sight of her sleeping peacefully, cradling our unborn child, filled me with an overwhelming sense of tenderness.

Approaching her slowly, I couldn't resist the urge to place my hand gently on her stomach, feeling the faint flutter of our baby's movements beneath my fingertips.

It was a moment of pure connection, a silent conversation between a father and his unborn child.

I whispered words of love and protection, promising to be there for them every step of the way.

To my surprise, Eleanor stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine.

I immediately withdrew my hand, feeling a twinge of guilt for disturbing her rest.

But as she looked at me, her gaze filled with warmth and affection, all worries melted away.

"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you," I said softly, my voice laced with tenderness.

Eleanor smiled, her hand reaching out to touch mine. "It's alright, Aiden. I'm always happy to wake up to your presence."

Relieved, I sat down beside her, my heart brimming with excitement. "You know, love, I've been thinking about names for our little one. I have a few suggestions."

Eleanor's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in closer. "Tell me, Aiden. What names have you come up with?"

I took a deep breath, my mind racing with possibilities.

I began suggesting a series of beautiful names, each one carrying its own charm.

But as I said the name "Alice," something magical happened. It resonated deep within my soul, and I could feel its significance in the air.

"Alice," I repeated, a smile spreading across my face. "I love the name Alice."

Eleanor's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and joy dancing within them. "Aiden, that's perfect. Alice... it feels right. Our little Alice."

In that moment, our happiness overflowed, and we leaned in to share a tender kiss, our hearts intertwined with the promise of a beautiful future.

We began to envision the life we would create for our beloved Alice, filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

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