Chapter 15: Burn All The Memories

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As I sat in the grandeur of our mansion, the once familiar surroundings now felt cold and empty.

The walls that were once filled with love and warmth now seemed to echo with the pain of our loss.

In my hand, I held a letter from Eleanor, the woman whose actions had shattered our lives.

With trembling fingers, I unfolded the paper, my heart heavy as I read her words. "You see, there was a time when I shared a past with Aiden, one that I could never quite move on from. It was this lingering attachment that led me to act as I did, believing I was protecting you, but I did that because Aiden belongs to me, we were in love before you came into the scene"

Anger surged through me as I crumpled the letter in my hand, my mind reeling with the implications of Eleanor's confession.

How could she have done this to us? How could she have manipulated our lives for her own sake, all while claiming to be our friend?

After a while, I found myself standing in front of the fireplace, surrounded by framed memories of Aiden and me.

With a heavy heart, I reached out and picked up the first memento, a beautifully painted portrait of Aiden and me on our engagement day.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I crumpled it in my hand, feeling the paper tear beneath my grip.

One by one, I destroyed each reminder of our life together, the pain of loss and betrayal fueling my actions.

As the fire roared to life, I carefully placed each crumpled memory into its embrace, watching as the flames consumed the symbols of our past.

As I continued to burn the remnants of our past, my sobs echoed throughout the mansion.

The pain of loss and betrayal was almost too much to bear, but I felt I had no choice but to let go of the memories that haunted me.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, and I turned to find my mother, Josephine, standing there with a furious expression.

"Astrid, you are not to see Aiden again," she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. "He has caused us enough pain already."

General Matt, my father, standing beside her, was equally enraged. His face contorted with anger as he glared at Aiden, who had just entered the room.

"Astrid, please, let's talk!"

"You cheated on my daughter, and now you're going to pay the price," he snarled, his fist clenched tightly.

Aiden, his eyes filled with tears and love, tried to explain himself. "I love Astrid more than anything in this world. I never meant for any of this to happen, and I'll do anything to make it right."

But his anger was too great. With a swift movement, he lashed out and punched Aiden, the force of the blow sending him reeling.

"You'll beg for her forgiveness on your knees, just like you should have done before," he growled.

Aiden, in pain and desperate for my forgiveness, complied.

He knelt before me, his eyes filled with tears and remorse. "Astrid, please forgive me. I love you more than life itself, and I'll do anything to make things right between us."

My parents, however, were not ready to forgive so easily.

Their anger and hurt towards Aiden boiled over, and they began to physically assault him. "GET OUT!" mom screamed. "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE EVER AGAIN!"

As the guards dragged Aiden away, I was left alone in the ashes of our past, my heart breaking as I watched the man I loved being taken from me.

Tears streamed down my face as I prayed for a way to heal our broken hearts and find a path towards forgiveness and love once more.

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