Part 8 Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, it seems that Mu Empre has begun its attack. I don't know where they attacked," said a soldier to his friend.

"Yeah, it's a good thing it's not here. We would have a hard time defending ourselves," said his friend.

"Take it easy, this is just a small town, they won't waste their bullets attacking this town. Moreover, it's still dark, we didn't turn on the lights at all, they won't know our position. They will definitely only attack by land." said a lieutenant, their leader.

"Hopefully so, we will have trouble if they attack by air, but if they attack by land, we can still escape as planned," said the first soldier.

The soldiers returned to their vigil in the morning darkness.




3 kilometres north of Trant city
5 minutes later.

In the darkness of the night, there were hundreds of parachutes lowering the Mu Empire paratroopers and their various war equipment over a meadow located outside the city of Trant. The troops had previously conducted several military operations, so they were very experienced in conducting surprise military operations in enemy areas. It took only 20 minutes for them to pack up their parachutes, jog to the assembly point, and open their crates of heavy military equipment such as mortars, heavy machine guns, and others. They are not armed with light cannons because speed is the essence. Once they took control of the city of Trant, additional equipment and personnel, including cannons, would reinforce them by air.

The Mu Empire deployed 300 troops, divided into 5 companies, to take control of the city of Trant. The Mu Empire troops immediately walked towards the city of Trant, quickly but still stealthily. It took them almost an hour to reach the outskirts of Trant. The Myto Empire's satellite photos and the reconnaissance aircraft's photos from the day before had already provided them with information. Therefore, they already knew the positions of Gra Valkas' troops.

They secretly entered the city of Trant and began to approach the positions of the Gra Valkas forces, which were in the opposite direction of their landing.

"It seems that the Gra Valkas troops did not detect our presence," said lieutenant colonel Myka, the commander of the troops attacking the city of Trant. "Are there other Gra Valkas troops in other places?"

"We detected two groups of Gra Valkas troops, two each, patrolling the city of Trant. We deliberately avoided them, but there was a platoon shadowing them. We can eliminate them right before we attack the Gra Valkas troops in front of us," said a lieutenant behind him who was with a soldier carrying a radio to coordinate the Mu Empire troops.

"Alright, start the attack! We have to finish our work within half an hour!" ordered Lieutenant Colonel Myka.

The lieutenant immediately gave the order to attack.

With that command, the two groups of Gra Valkas troops on patrol were quickly attacked with pistols with silencers so as not to make much noise. The Mu Empire troops' gunfire killed them before they understood that they were under attack.

The mortar-carrying Mu Empire troops, who had deployed their mortars, immediately fired mortars at the Gra Valkas troops. Only when the mortar shells rained down on them did the Gra Valkas troops realise they were under attack. Half of the troops were dead before they could react at all. The Mu Empire's second mortar salvo arrived, accompanied by a long barrage of heavy machine guns, killing the remaining troops. Also, the resting Gra Valkas troops were killed without even waking up.

It only took 10 minutes for the Mu Empire troops to take control of the city of Trant. While waiting for their cannons to be deployed in Trant, they immediately repaired the Gra Valkas' cannons and placed them in other positions to defend the city.

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