Part 8 Chapter 2

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Gra Valkas Empire
Ragna, Imperial Palace.
Emperor Gralux Office

His military advisors requested that Emperor Gralux hold an urgent meeting to discuss the Mu Empire's troop movements. Attending the meeting were:

- Xand Pastal, military leader of Gra Valkas
- Kaisar, imperial navy eastern fleet commander
- Myrkaenes, army commander
- Kurtz, Secretary of the Office of the Sovereign
- Mobarl, Chief of the Foreign Affairs Bureau

"Your Majesty, we requested this meeting because intelligence has confirmed a large-scale movement of the Mu Empire navy. The news we received from intelligence states that they will be conducting an amphibious assault on Leifor. The landing site is yet to be determined." Xand Pastal said.

"Oh, can't our navy attack the fleet?" asked Emperor Gralux.

"That is not possible in the timeframe in which the Mu Empire's attack is likely to take place. Our naval forces available near the location are still very weak due to yesterday's naval battle. Our ships are still on their way to Ragna. If we use our existing forces, not only will we have to battle with that fleet, we will still have to pass through the fleet of Mu Empire ships that defeated our fleet yesterday. The probability of winning both battles is very low with our existing forces. That fleet is still at sea between Laifor and Gra Valkas," said Kaisar.

"Then what can we do?" asked Emperor Gralux.

"For the time being, we can only strengthen our defenses along the coast between Leiforia and the border. Other than that, when we have enough naval power, we can attack. Hopefully, we can attack while they are still unloading our military hardware. But obviously, we don't have the ability to prevent the attack from happening." Xand Pascal said.

"What are our chances in the attack?" asked Emperor Gralux.

"In terms of army numbers, we still have a much larger force. The Mu Empire will not be able to attack with more than a few tens of thousands of soldiers, 100 thousands at most. Our army is still around half a million soldiers. Also, right now, we are much better prepared than when our army confronted the Mu Empire's army at the border. But the weakness is that the defense line is so long that our troops are spread quite thin." Xand Pascal said.

"Then how can we contain the enemy's movements after they land?" asked Emperor Gralux.

"The only thing we can do first is slow their movements, after which we can concentrate our troops at the point where they landed. For the time being, we don't know the location of the landing," said Xand Pascal.

"Aren't there any of our military assets that can track the ships' movements?" asked Emperor Gralux.

"Unfortunately not, Your Majesty. We have no aircraft that can keep an eye on them, nor do we have any submarines that can approach the coastal areas of Leiforia. They patrol very closely with destroyers," said Xand Pascal.

"There is nothing we can do but wait for them to land on Leiforia. Only then can we do something," said Kaisar.

"Hmmm, how difficult. If they manage to make landfall, then it will be very difficult for us to repel their attacks," said Emperor Gralux.

"That's true. Right now, it seems very difficult to do anything in Leifor. Should we just stay in the southern part of Leifor? Near the capital of Leiforia? While waiting for us to have enough strength to break their naval blockade," asked Myrkaenes.

"That's an interesting idea. Because the conditions there seem difficult to maintain. If we withdraw most of the troops and set up a defense line in the south, then we still have the air force strength of our air force bases in the south that have not been attacked by the Mu Empire," said Emperor Gralux.

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