Part 8 Chapter 3

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Star System K17T, 102 light years from Elysia
Along with the start of the 'Cachen' trial,.

Star system K17T is currently secured by the 10th Defence Fleet under the command of Admiral Fremsa Dita, which has a force of 1 Victory Class Star Destroyer 'White Elephant' as its flagship, 6 battlestars, 1 interdictor cruiser, 4 Dreadnought Cruisers, 16 Concordat Destroyers, and 28 attack cruisers. There is also a contingent from the System Defence Fleet securing the K17T star system, namely a Concordat destroyer, 12 attack cruisers, 2 CR90 Corvettes, and 8 Gozanti Cruisers. All the ships of the System Defence Fleet were on patrol, as were some of the 10th Defence Fleet. Only the flagship, the Victory Star destroyer 'White Elephant', four Concordat destroyers, four dreadnought cruisers, and eight attack cruisers act as the heavy backup and command element of the 10th Defence Fleet.

In addition, there are nearly 30 automated space stations placed at various strategic places in the K17T star system. In addition, there are another 20 automated space stations stationed outside the Oort Cloud of the K17T as an early warning against the enemy, which is known to have an excellent cloaking system. In the direction of the enemy's arrival last time, each place was placed two automated defence stations so that at least it has better firepower. In addition, a number of mines were also placed in several places around the automated space station.




Automated space station 97XK87B6 paired with automated space station 97XK87B7.

These two automated space stations are located outside the Oort Cloud boundary of star system K17T in the direction from which the mysterious enemy that attacked 'Macross' a while ago came. Surrounding the two space stations were 40 mines to aid in the defence of the two space stations. Of the 40 mines, 30 are armed with lasers, and the other 10 carry six concussion missiles. In addition, each mine contains a proton warhead that can be useful in kamikaze tactics.

Suddenly, the two stations detected the dimensional distortions characteristic of the enemy's superluminal drive system. The number was increasing. In just 5 seconds, the number had reached 30 distortions. No enemy ship had escaped the distortion yet.

The AI systems of both space stations immediately raised the alert level to the highest level, Red Alert. They activated the shield system, weapons, and automated fighter drones. In addition, they also activated the existing minefields. Also, they alerted and sent this information to the 'White Elephant'.

Moments later, the optical sensors showed that, from each distortion, one enemy starship had appeared. Hyperspace sensors were having trouble detecting the newly appearing starship. In less than 30 seconds, a fleet of 385 enemy starships appeared in front of the two automated space stations.

The two space stations immediately sent out signals asking for the ID, origin, and purpose of the fleet in star system K17T on various frequencies. But there was no answer. The fleet continued to move towards the two space stations.

Suddenly, the leading element of the fleet launched a number of missiles aimed at the two space stations. The CIWS and laser mine systems immediately shot down the missiles. In reply, the 10 missile mines also launched a concussion missile per mine. But as with the enemy missiles, all 10 missiles from the Myto Empire were also destroyed.

With this attack, the intention of the enemy fleet was already known, which was to attack the Myto Empire. Therefore, the two automated space stations reported to the 'White Elephant' and also issued a distress signal through the holonet to warn all starships belonging to the Myto Empire.

During that time, the distance between the two parties was getting closer.



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