Part 5 Chapter 25

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One week later.
Esthirant Capital,
Palpadia Navy Headquarters Port

Emperor Ludius attended the departure of the battle fleet to the kingdom of Altarus, where the command ships and some others departed from the military port in Esthirant. Emperor Ludius deliberately carried out the private departure of the fleet in order to boost the morale of the soldiers, which had recently been dropping due to the defeat in the battle against the kingdom of Altarus a while ago. Before releasing the fleet, Emperor Ludius held a closed meeting to discuss the fleet's readiness to be dispatched.

"Your Majesty, all troops and ships are ready to depart. The weather report says that for 2 weeks the weather has been very good, so we expect no interruption in the journey from Palpadia Empire to Altarus Kingdom, even though the fleet won't depart at the same time." Alde reported.

"Have all the preparations of the troops been completed as expected?" asked Emperor Ludius.

"Yes majesty. In the end, we were able to dispatch 270 modern warships and 47 ships from the mothball fleet for the main fleet. While the two decoy fleets each have 105 ships from the mothball fleet and 50 modern ships. We were able to repair more mothball fleet vessels than we anticipated due to the participation of commercial docking facilities in the city of Duro and other cities." replied Alde.

"Report Emperor. As he suspected from field observations, we found that the morale of the soldiers and sailors of the troops to be dispatched was not as high as at the time of their previous departure. Therefore, we have tried to increase their fighting spirit, and a speech from your majesty will certainly boost their morale even more." Admiral Arkeon, the commander of the fleet sent to the kingdom of Altarus, spoke up.

"Hmm, I've prepared a speech that will definitely raise the fighting spirit of our soldiers." Emperor Ludius said. "How is our intelligence on the enemy?"

"Report Emperor. It's hard for us to get intelligence from the kingdom of Altarus because our agents there are either immobilized or have been arrested. However, from the traders' information, it seems that many of their flying machines were victims in the past battle. There were also many wyverns who were killed. But only a few of their ships were victims of the last battle. We therefore expect that their air power is reduced quite a lot, but their naval power is hardly reduced." answered an intelligence officer. "We also received reports from our spies in the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila that the two countries sent two warships each. It is estimated that the warship is far more advanced than that of the Altarus empire. However, we have found no troop movements in the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila, and no troop transports have been dispatched. Therefore, we ensure that no troops are sent by the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila except for the troops on the ships sent to the kingdom of Altarus. We estimate there are only a few hundred troops on board those ships."

"Hmm, the countries that don't know where they belong. Cut off diplomatic relations with the two countries." said Emperor Ludius. "How about the military strength of the Myto Empire?"

"We were unable to obtain any information regarding the Myto Empire's power being seconded to the Altarus empire. They used a military base that was separate from the Altarus royal base, and it was remote enough that it was difficult for someone to reach the military base. The guard is also quite tight. But in the last battle, the Myto Empire's forces were also fighting. It seems that the ones who were fighting were their flying machines. We don't know if they have other combat equipment like ships in the kingdom of Altarus."

"Hmm, even though they have a higher level of technology than us, we can still win with the number of our soldiers and weapons, which will definitely be much larger. They couldn't possibly put out a much larger army than the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila did. Even though they put five times more equipment and troops than the Principality of Qua Toyne and Kingdom of Quila in the kingdom of Altarus, we can still win through superiority in numbers," said Emperor Ludius.

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