Part 6 Chapter 6

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Star System K17T, 102 light years from Elysia

It had been several days since the battle fortress 'Macross' had conducted full training and weapons tests. This included a mock battle between 'Macross' and its escort ships, 2 battle stars, and 5 destroyers. Two battlestars accompanied the star destroyer Myto back to Elysia, serving as escorts for the star destroyer Myto. There were 10 attack cruisers that joined the combat training.

The results of the combat exercise were very satisfactory. Although the 'Macross' had to face all the other ships, the 'Macross' could quite easily win and could at least disable enemy ships. It is estimated that the 'Macross' is equivalent to 4-5 standard-type star destroyers (Imperial-1 class). One battle fortress escorted by two battlestars and several destroyers can offset more than half of the defense fleet's firepower. What an amazing ability.

Of the Myto Empire leaders present at the launch of Battle Fortress 'Macross' almost all had left Macross and returned to their respective commands. Only the commander of the 7th defense fleet, Dana Istikal, remained on the 'Macross' as she had to wait for her flagship, which was resupplying in Elysia.




Battle Fortress Macross
Main Bridge.

Captain Haiganti sat leisurely in his chair. After several days of training, they were temporarily resting today before the next day's training.

Suddenly the sensor officer said, "Strange, we keep getting ghost readings. Gravimetric sensors indicate that there is some mass moving slowly towards us. But the other sensors are not detecting anything."

Captain Haiganti rushed to the sensor station and looked at the suspicious sensor readings. He saw that there were at least 14 sensor echoes coming from the gravimetric sensors. But when looking at the other sensors, there was nothing.

"They are 4 million kilometers away and approaching at a low speed, only 5 km/s relative to us," the sensor officer said while showing the sensor readings.

"This is really suspicious. Order two automated fighter drones to take a close look. Use the optical sensor." Captain Haiganti said.

"What is it?" asked Admiral Dana Istikal, who had just entered the main bridge.

"Admiral." Captain Haiganti said this while giving a salute. "We're getting ghost sensors. Only gravimetric sensors are capable of detecting it."

"Is it a cloak ship?" asked Admiral Dana.

"Probably. But we have never encountered that kind of cloak system." Captain Haiganti said.

"We better get ready. Immediately raise the alert level to yellow alert and launch all standby fighters." Admiral Dana ordered.

"Yes, sir," said Captain Haiganti while pressing the Yellow Alert button nearby.

Immediately, the Yellow Alert siren sounded. People rushed to their respective stations to prepare for a possible battle. Ray, particle, and omnidirectional shields were activated.

"Look, they are accelerating towards us." The sensor officer said.

"Arm all weapons." Captain Haiganti said.

"Tell all commands to raise to Yellow Alert. Also communicate this to them." Admiral Dana said.

"Aye, admiral." Captain Haiganti said.

The entire small fleet then activated its shield system. A number of fighters, both TIE fighters and automated fighter droids, were launched from all available ships and immediately formed a perimeter around the small fleet. Although the weapons and targeting systems had not yet been activated, all weapons had begun to be energized.

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