Part 6 Chapter 2

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A week later.
Trantor, medium orbit.

The peaceful space around the planet Tantor was suddenly disturbed by several flickers of starship pseudomotion coming out of hyperspace. One star destroyer, escorted by two battlestars, and twelve attack cruisers emerged from hyperspace. The stardestroyer was 'Myto' the personal stardestroyer of Moff Trevat.

The small fleet soon entered low orbit over Trantor, with the Star Destroyer 'Myto' in the center of the escort ships. It was the standard formation for escorts from VIP ships. Meanwhile, a number of starships from the local defense also began to approach to escort the fleet from a distance.

Moments later, a shuttle escorted by several TIE Fighters exited the 'Myto' stardestroyer. The shuttle and TIE Fighters immediately descended to the planet, heading towards New York City.


Planet Trantor, City of New York.
Research Facility E35T2, the magic stone research facility.

The governor of Trantor, Governor Noona, the head of the Myto science institution, Dr. Anen, and the director of Research Facility E35T2, Dr. Zirach, all welcomed Moff Trevat to Research Facility E35T2. They immediately entered the secondary meeting room located near the control room, which controls the connection to the original magic stone of the planet Trantor.

"Welcome, Moff Trevat and Governor Noona. We are very pleased to have you both here." Dr. Zirach welcomed the guests to Research Facility E35T2.

"Thank you for the welcome. Let's get straight to my purpose here. How is the research progressing on the original magic stone?" asked Trevat.

"We are still struggling to download all the contents of the original magic stone. We have only been able to download about 9% of the contents of the original magic stone. But we have finished downloading all the programs on the secondary storage of the original magic stone." Dr. Zirach said.

"I see. I heard that your researcher predicts that this magic stone is what formed these artificial planets. Is there an explanation?" asked Trevat.

"Yes, sir, we found a lot of small files. From reading these files, many of them seem to be DNA sequences that exist on living things on this planet. Some also seem to be data on mineral composition. That's what we suspected." Dr. Zirach said. "But the creation mechanism itself, we don't know yet."

"But it's not like making a planet requires a lot of energy. There's also a lot of material. How can that be done?" asked Trevat.

"As for the material, we have investigated it. The solar system where there is an artificial planet, in this case Trantor, is much 'cleaner' than the interplanetary debris in the solar system that is left over from the creation of this solar system. For example, the orbit of Trantor is almost devoid of space dust and astroids, and the Oort Cloud of this solar system is relatively thin compared to the standard solar system. We predict that the planet-forming material came from this gap." Dr. Zirach said.

"Hmm, to move the material also requires energy. Where does that energy come from?" said Trevat.

"We don't know that either. From the particle density distribution in other parts of the solar system. We expect no mass-to-energy conversion; that is, more efficient nuclear annihilation reactions are unlikely." Dr. Zirach said.

"That means it's almost impossible to use nuclear processes to generate power for planetary creation, right? Unless they bring their own fuel, but that would require an enormous amount of fuel of any kind." Trevat said this while recalling the energy expenditure during the creation of the Death Star.

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