Part 2 Chapter 4

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Iskandar POV

When I was able to open my eyes again, I was in a tube filled with liquid. Panic overtook me, but I remembered that this was a bacta treatment, and I calmed down. There are 2 robots ... droids that are looking at me. I started to be able to read all the writings of the Galactic Standard. EM43 and EM45 are the names of the two droids. From a distance, there is also someone, a doctor, who is watching me. He seemed to nod when I opened my eyes.

I quickly became exhausted, and darkness enveloped me once more.




For a week, I was between conscious and unconscious. I've had bacta treatment several times. Slowly but surely, I started to recover. After days of trying, I feel like I'm starting to move my fingers. I also started to be able to make a sound out of my mouth, even though it wasn't an intelligible word. My consciousness also began to improve. I began to be able to stay conscious for more and more time, but my mind was still very foggy, and it was still difficult to think of anything. If I force it, it usually ends with a headache and confusion about what to think.

There were several people who I knew or didn't know who came to visit me and said a few words to encourage me to get well soon.




I was finally able to speak and move my legs and arms quite freely, and I started to be able to stay awake for long periods of time. I have also started to eat normally, no longer needing help or being given food through IV fluids. I started asking what happened, but everyone just smiled and wished me a speedy recovery and told me to not think too much about it. Indeed, if I think about something continuously, it will make me very tired and I will pass out. Indeed, my health has not fully recovered. It still takes a long time for me to recover my health.

I spent days in the hospital. Almost every day, physiotherapy is done to restore my motor skills. Physiotherapy here is very different from the one on earth. Most of the time, they use tools to stimulate specific muscles of the body. A few of the sessions involved body movement. Gradually, I began to recover and was able to limp to a walk. My consciousness has not fully returned either. Several times in the middle of the physiotherapy session, I lost consciousness. But slowly but surely, my physical ability, awareness and thinking ability increased.

But as my awareness and thinking abilities increased, I began to realize more and more that I was currently Trevat Ishani, a galactic tycoon and a sector governor with military power. I have to swallow a harsh reality. I don't know what happened, but I have moved to the world of Star Wars like in the Isekai genre story that I read a lot and watched the movie. Instead of me moving to an ancient world based on magic, cultivation, or magic, I transferred to a super modern world plus the wizardry of the force. Very different from the Isekai stories I've read a lot. But I'm also grateful because I know enough about the Star Wars world that I live in.

On earth, I've never been through every single one of the feature films or mini-series about Star Wars. I also have a lot of story books about Star Wars and several books about technical manuals from Star Wars. I also often read various materials on the internet about Star Wars. The topic of Star Wars vs. Star Trek is one of my pleasures. Many websites include semi-academic reviews and calculations about the power of weapons from the world of Star Wars and Star Trek. I really like technical things. Therefore, it can be seen that my knowledge of Star Wars fiction is quite complete.

I realized that, as someone on the side of the Galactic Empire, the fall of the Galactic Empire was certain. I should be able to avoid that fact, because it could mean my death as part of the Galactic Empire. I should be able to properly prepare for the fall of the Galactic Empire, but I don't dare share this knowledge with anyone because I would be considered a lunatic. Besides that, I don't know when it will happen because of the different calendar systems in the Galactic Empire and the one in Star Wars fiction. Only by comparing events can I find out the timeline. I don't know what's going on in the galaxy right now, so I can't compare it to the Star Wars storyline. I hope that this time is still quite far from the time of the downfall of the Galactic Empire.

I also have to study the technology and weapon systems in this dimension and compare them with my knowledge of Star Wars fiction. From my knowledge of Star Wars fiction, I see that technology in the world of Star Wars has stagnated. Not much technological change has occurred even though there have been many major wars. Unlike on Earth, the existence of a world war can trigger significant technological changes. Therefore, I hope that with my knowledge, I will be able to make significant changes to the technology here, especially weapon technology, so that my faction and I can survive in the midst of war and the great chaos that will envelop this Star Wars galaxy.

I know that I have a position as governor, and it's not a lowly position to my knowledge. There is much I can do to prepare myself for the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Also, according to Trevat's memories, I have good relations with the highest level of the Galactic Empire, namely the Emperor. The relationship can be used to make preparations. Also, more efficient technology and design from various science fiction genres, such as Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, and others, can be used to save at least yourself, and it is very good if you can save many people from the war that will occur at the galactic level. Moreover, in the future, there will be an invasion of Yuuzhan Vong into the Star Wars galaxy that claims a lot of victims.

All these goals are ones that I will take entirely just to survive in the midst of chaos in the Star Wars galaxy and being on the wrong side. But to do that, I need time, a lot of time, as much time as possible. Time is my enemy, because the Galactic Empire regime is a very short regime, and I don't know at what point the Galactic Empire regime is now. Especially with my condition that still requires me to stay in the hospital.

I still have to wait patiently, but time is ticking and it might run out before I can prepare.


Revision on 24/10/2022

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