Part 5 Chapter 21 The Battle of Le Brias

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The afternoon before the Naval Battle of Le Brias, 15.00 hours
Command bunker of the kingdom of Altarus, capital of Le Brias

"What is the condition of our troops and the position of the Palpadia Empire ships?" asked King Taara the 14th

"Report, your majesty, that our ground troops have been prepared to mobilize immediately to the area that will be landed by opposing troops. As for our naval forces, they are already at sea and are 200 km from Le Brias. As for our air force, both our F1 fighter planes and Wyvern troops are on standby for sorties. We have enough ammunition and fuel for our fighters to make 10 sorties. As for the wyvern troop, we estimate they can sortie a maximum of three times a day. We have enough ammunition for more than 10 sorties for our wyverns." said a general.

" What about the enemy fleet?" asked the 14th King Taara.

"The enemy fleet has split into three completely separate fleets. From the aerial photos we got from Myto Empire, it seems the 3 fleets are, the combat fleet, the ground invasion fleet, and the logistics fleet. Two fleets, i.e., the battle fleet and the invasion fleet, are in front of and in different directions from each other. Meanwhile, the logistics fleet was trailing behind the invasion fleet at a considerable distance. " said the general.

"Hmm, it seems the battle fleet is aiming to pave the way by fighting our ships. Let's honor their intention. Order our combat fleet to engage them. Keep them busy so they can't help the other fleets. We will attack the invasion fleet on our shores," ordered King Taara the 14th.

"Yes, sir. It fits with the strategy we take," replied the general.

"Do we know their landing point yet?" asked King Taara the 14th.

"We have made predictions according to their current trajectory. It seems they will make landfall west of the capital, Le Brias. There are several beaches that the landing might occur. We are identifying the beaches. But the most probable one is Acar Beach and its surrounding beach, 20 km from Le Brias." said another general in charge of combat intelligence.

"Are we allowed to make preparations on those beaches, your majesty?" asked the first general.

"I allow it. Immediately send our troops to those beaches. Prepare various weapons, traps, and so on. " ordered King Taara the 14th.

"Very good, sire." said the general.

"Can't we attack those ships while they are still at sea?" asked King Taara the 14th.

"Impossible sir. If we were to defeat the warships of Palpadia's main fleet, then almost all of our ships would be fighting them. The same goes for our air force. We can only attack them on the beach, when they are immobile." said an admiral.

"Oh, I see. Don't forget to notify the Myto Empire side. Since we will likely have to focus our forces on sea battles, we will most likely need Myto Empire to secure our shores. " said King Taara the 14th

"Yes, sire." replied the general and admiral.

"We really rely on the Myto Empire in defending our country. Without them, we would only last a few days in the face of the Palpadia Empire. Really, we are in debt with them. I don't know how we can pay for it. " said King Taara the 14th.




Acar Beach, code name "Gamma Site," is 20 km west of the capital, Le Brias.
Engineers Company B, Kingdom of Altarus Army.

Engineers Company B is one of the five engineers companies ordered to set up various barriers and coastal defenses at one of the five places that Palpadia's troops are expected to land. Engineer Company B has nearly 150 members and is commanded by Major Carlo. They arrived at the location at 18.00. Gamma site has a beach that is nearly 10 kilometers long, has a sloping stretch of sand, is almost devoid of large rocks, and faces the sea directly towards Palpadia Empire. An ideal place to conduct amphibious operations.

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