Part 4 Chapter 7 Short Road To Jin-Hark

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The next day, at 07.00
Kingdom of Lauria, Capital of Jin-Hark.
Military Headquarters

General Patajin came to headquarters early in the morning because of important news that could only be conveyed at headquarters. On arriving at the headquarters, General Patajin learned of the defeat of the Kingdom of Lauria's fleet against the Kingdom of Quila in the night naval battle. General Patajin could not believe that a naval battle could take place at night, where there was no light and no enemy ships could be seen. He thought, "How to aim a weapon without looking?" This raises fears of a naval battle against the Principality of Qua Toyne, where the Principality of Qua Toyne is assisted by the unknown power that is the Myto Empire. Finally, General Patajin ordered that the wyverns of the main army be prepared to support the Kingdom of Lauria's fleet. The wyverns were immediately transferred to an air base in the coastal area to be closer to the Kingdom of Lauria's fleet. Meanwhile, he ordered some of the wyverns guarding the capital of Jin-Hark and wyverns from other areas south of Jin-Hark as well as from the private armies of the aristocrats to head to the main army to be able to support operations, especially for the advance force. From the news, 80 wyverns were collected to support the advance force operation.


08.00 hours
Border of the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Lauria
Main troop camp

At 08.00, the main force from the Principality of Qua Toyne prepared to move towards Jun-Hark. Intelligence information from Myto Empire stated that there were around 70,000 troops moving towards the main army last night and only stopped at 3:00 am. The location of the troops is 27km from the direction of the main army. Therefore, General Nho ordered the left and right wing troops of the main army to go first and later attack from the left and right sides of the opposing troops. There will be no encirclement because of the main enemy force being behind the advance force. It was dangerous for the troops themselves to be caught between the two armies. General Nho also told the troops on wyverns from Gim and the fighter planes from Ejey to attack the advance force as soon as they could.


11.00 o'clock

The Principality of Qua Toyne's troops began to attack the advance force of the Kingdom of Lauria. Like in the Blitzkrieg doctrine, the attack was initiated using an armored car and supported by a wyvern. The attack from three sides shocked the Kingdom of Lauria's side. The right and left flanks of the Kingdom of Lauria's army were unprepared for an attack from the Principality of Qua Toyne's infantry. The infantry attack using 7.62mm machine guns caused heavy casualties on the opposing side without the opponent's time to provide significant resistance. The archers also couldn't get to the machine gun positions, while the cavalry couldn't penetrate a barrage of 7.62mm machine guns, let alone the infantry armed with only swords and spears.

General Nho asked the Myto Empire for help with an air raid against the main army of the Kingdom of Lauria, which was moving toward the battlefield. The Myto Empire light carrier sent out 60 airspeeders with cluster bombs to attack the main troops right away.




08.00 hours
Deep in the Kingdom of Lauria
Kingdom of Quila Fast Moving Army

The fast moving army of the kingdom of Quila started moving but at a slowed pace, waiting for the infantry behind him to catch up. It is known from the information from Myto that there are troops from the Kingdom of Lauria who are starting to gather in front of the fast moving army of the Kingdom of Quila. The Kingdom of Lauria's army was right between the troops of the Kingdom of Quila and Jin-Hark. This indicated that the troops would prevent the Kingdom of Quila's troops from reaching Jin-Hark.

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